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in past few month ive lost my brother . sis in law my mum and dad , i try to get a laugh but now ive been diagnosed with something * not saying * ....................... just saying i love it here but i dont know how to join in , lol i'm clueless

A huge (((((hug))))) for you Madamski. I'm also too familiar with loss - need a break from it. Different Forums and discussions help me to block out a lot of stuff that I find hard to deal with at times. Hey, I'm not on the same wavelength as so many here I've noticed, sometimes I give an opinion sometimes I keep thoughts to myself. Does it really matter in the end who gets us or who doesn't, this is cyberspace lol Love to you xxxxxxx
Yellow Rose
in past few month ive lost my brother . sis in law my mum and dad , i try to get a laugh but now ive been diagnosed with something * not saying * ....................... just saying i love it here but i dont know how to join in , lol i'm clueless
Awww fecks sake Mad, thats so bad, don't go off, stay here, there are so many people here who have been through so much hurt who know what your going through and can help ease your heartache....
Opportunity comes up? He flew across the f*cking world in the hope of being a wannabe. Clown. (him, not you).
I wrote this before in this thread....

I think the thing with JJ 1 was he tried for Aussie BB owned by Endermol..he had to pull out, when English BB owned by Endermol came on they were hard pushed for eye candy, I think Endemol chased him and thats where he got his *I don't give a feck about BB* came from....
josie's going to be slated either way.......she cries cos he's gone she's a stupid cow......if she's laughing and joking with the others in the last few days it'll be 'what a fake bitch..she soon forgot john james they were obviously crocodile attention seeking tears'........whatever she does she'll be slagged off for it......

and madamski xxxxxxx..................stick around x
Reference: madamski
in past few month ive lost my brother . sis in law my mum and dad , i try to get a laugh but now ive been diagnosed with something * not saying * ....................... just saying i love it here but i dont know how to join in , lol i'm clueless
madamski  So sorry to hear this. 
You`re not clueless..It`s not easy trying to join in when you`re feeling the way you are.
I`ve always enjoyed your posts. You`re a unique wee fm.  

Stay around..we`ll watch out for.
Heard Corin say on lf yesterday that she had a suitcase packed with new clothes weeks in advance 'cos last year she had only two weeks notice and it was a real rush
Corin got really far auditions she hadn't told them about her husband being killed but did talk about it to her chaperone who must have relayed what had been said and they advised her to wait before going in the house....This year they contacted her.
say what u will ...................... i lost  a lot of my family  and i used to enjoy BB   as an escape ..... but i feel wrong whatever  i say now   i know now * after 6yrs *  i get the hint  i will never fit in here,   i have realised   i dont no nuffin  goodnighy ye all
Sorry Mad,I went for a cig last then then logged off so I didn't see this ....You have been through the mill in RL bless you,it can't be easy...I can only speak for myself obviously but from what I see you fit in here as well as any of us do,you do plenty,I find some of your posts so funny and trust me that's much appreciated and needed around here so don't you dare go anywhere.

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