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And now the Tweenies win the whole show as they love Josie.
Not all of them, some don't like the way she talks to the' perfect one' In fact I would bet some would have voted her out if she was up for eviction. Courting the teen audience this year was one of many of BB's big mistakes. In any other year an Hm like Corin would have been a dead cert for the final 3 and JJ 1 would have been toast as soon as he was up!
We're the devil incarnates because Ben left too.
A certain section of JJ's fans were only too happy to claim credit for Ben, Rachael's, Ife's and Sunshine's evictions and made it clear they were going after Corin after her 'lies' about the Golden One. Some openly bragged on DS about the phone scams they were running! I am aware more mature J.J supporters of the type that post here aren't like that, but the nastier section of his supporters have certainly contributed to a bad note for BB to end on!
I thought Corin was pure fake inside and outside she might have been buzzin  but I   thought she  was cold and calculating and very much in control of herself how she acted in the house, you could see her nasty streak when she lost it  the way she got her point over was not nice in your face,I felt sorry for her when JJ1 and Sam were giving her grief even then I felt she held it more together for the camera 's I think she could be pretty volatile ..also thought her interview was the worst out of all of them I dont thinlk she came accross very well.. that is my honest opinion.
I think a lot of voters lost respect for her after she made a huge play for JJ whilst still having a GF at home. corin isn't as daft as she makes out ........she kept babbling on and on to avoid any awkward questions during her interview. She knew quite well what questions were going to come up and just kept babbling to avoid having to give straight answers.
Soozy Woo

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