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Maybe so Karma_ but I felt that as the series progressed she really upped the whole country bumpkin routine. People knowingly playing up to stereotypes is one of those things I find very irritating.
If it's a natural behaviour then fine, but I agree, it is most irritating when it's forced or used to try and impress or deceive. I never bought the 'dim' Josie act from day one. I still don't. But as much as I don't like her I have to say fairplay for making hay while the sun shines, although her obvious upset at the suggestion that she wanted mag deals after the show seemed to touch a very raw nerve despite her denials. And look how much she's done in a week. Quelle surprise!

Josie - I liked you, but you've seriously gone down in my estimation. That has made me feel cynical enough to think that Josie walked because she realised all the deals that she was missing out on being still in there, Had she left UBB through evicition later on, she may well have thought the publicity would be more short-lived and less lucrative.
That has made me feel cynical enough to think that Josie walked because she realised all the deals that she was missing out on being still in there, Had she left UBB through evicition later on, she may well have thought the publicity would be more short-lived and less lucrative.
I've been thinking that all along, but then I didn't like her in the first place.
cologne 1

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