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Coming in from a day long visit with to see ma relatives, only to discover Coolio has left the BB compound!!! And if that were'nt enough I read on the lovely Erin's link, that it was all over a pair of fecking SHOES!!..belonging to Nadia!

What has ground my gears even further is that I really liked Nadia in BB5, even voted for her to win...I don't know if it's just me, but this time round I can't stand her! she's changed...She's a bit too "Billy Big Bollocks" for my liking(Sorry I couldn't resist the pun) it's funny Nikki did my head in last time, this time I don't mind her, same with Michelle Bass, her and Victor so far have been brilliant in the bedsit. Nadia needs to go!

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Nadia said that she'd been through the love, wedding, honeymoon and divorce with BB and had now returned to the fold.

What's the betting she has been a right diva over the years. All the more reason to have her back in there IMO.

Never saw Coolio as a proper BB  personality ..........he was always there to promote himself. Nadia is proper BB and she has earned her place's all a bit of fun really isn't it?
Soozy Woo
Senora I'm in the same boat. I've been out all day, booted the lappy up only
to discover I'd missed the action. Like you say, over feckin shoes!

I never know how to refer to her, I go to say she and then stop and want to say he, but almost ending up saying it. I mean no offence by that, I just get muddled.
Nadia was one of my favs, but gotta say I've gone off her too.
I really liked Nadia in BB5, even voted for her to win...I don't know if it's just me, but this time round I can't stand her! she's changed...She's a bit too "Billy Big Bollocks" for my liking(Sorry I couldn't resist the pun) it's funny Nikki did my head in last time, this time I don't mind her, same with Michelle Bass, her and Victor so far have been brilliant in the bedsit. Nadia needs to go!
Agree! Nikki wasn't lying when she said she'd calmed down big time. Although seeing her fleeing from that clown was hysterical  Can't blame her for that though, clowns give me the horrors..
Putting Michelle and Victor in the bedsit was a stroke of genius that's been missing from BB for so long  Couldn't stand Victor at the time, but he's matured a bit and still kept the swagger that made him occasionally funny.
Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ offline 7,606 Forum Posts Today at 7:39 PM Last Edited: Nadia is an arsehole. That's all I really have to say on the matter. Let's just hope they find a worthy replacement for Coolio. And that doesn't mean Sam bloody Pepper. If they get Terry Christian in, I will consider forgiving BB for this really badly handled situation.
Sam Pepper only has himself to blame. He was favourite to win until he started all that shite with Corin, who'd never been anything but nice to him. Lovely about having his arse in her face during the panto horse task, supportive and kind when he was upset about overhearing John James slagging him off.
If he'd just stuck to dishing it out to those who deserved it, instead of picking on the 'popular' crowd's underdog just to ingratiate himself, he'd be in there now. Silly boy.

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