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There was no bigotry from me, you chose to join the mob against me because you disagreed with me, shame you were just childish instead of actually arguing about that subject at hand.
Says he who used the word retarded to describe someone of lesser intelligence. If you care to look back dearest I think you'll find I did argue your point with you, except you were too busy flapping your gums about being ganged up on to notice I suppose. I didn't join any 'mob'. I thought your views were wrong and I opposed them, couldn't care if I was on my own on that one or if half of England thought it too. Stop playing the victim!
Just to get back to Michelle Bass for a moment - and the other HM's too come to that..........

I will call them what I think and I'll comment on what they look like too.
They can do the same to me when I'm on the tv.

If you put yourself up to be judged in what's become a personality contest, then don't expect favourable comments when none can be found.


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