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Preston was a huge BB fan when he went in first time, I think that is why he agreed to do it again.

Chantelle has talked about them a lot tonight (people do keep asking), and it appears pretty one sided.

I was a bit cynical on Tuesday and wondered if they had already reconciled and this was going to be the big story and they were going to get back together.

Course the arent the only failed marriage from the house (Tom and Claire - not quite the same I know, Sophie and Lee...might be another one but I cant recall) She said tonight in a very nice chat with Brian that maybe they would ve still been together if they didnt get married but she got caught up in the fairytale. She was 22 when they married, I think that's very young (and I did  the same age and in a shorter time scale and wouldnt bloody listen to anyone).

I didnt like her in the house the first time (all hair twiddling and omogod and kerworn) but she had grown up a lot I think.

That is the longest post I ever wrote.
I think it was mean of BB to not tell them the other one was going in as well
It's hard to tell if they knew or not. I originally thought they didn't but someone said Chantelle hinted that she knew Preston would be there. Who knows. It's still terrible to see her so very upset. She obviously still loves him. I hope she wins so she gets some kind of love from all the viewers.
Reference: Prom
from what she later said to one of the hm's so I don't think she knew

Someone said Chantelle brought a picture into the house to show Preston, heard on LF apparently. Gawd knows at this point Yellow
Oh well I'm confused now as well lol. Between rumours, counter rumors and Edits it's hard to know what's true in BB lol
Yellow Rose
I think she half suspected it and had possibly been told he was a "Maybe" - hence her speculating.  That said, even with a bit of forewarning, nothing can stop how you react or feel when it actually happens.
I agree ................I think she half expected it but was still a bit heart wrenching.

In all honesty (Iknow they were both up for it for the money) it was a very cruel trick to play.

Anyone who has been through a very public relationship break up really doesn't need that.

Although BB is all about voyeurism this really is voyeurism at it's worst.  There is genuine anguish and feelings involved there - the last thing they need is ignorant buffoons like John M trampling all over their feelings.
Soozy Woo
To go on a show where there is a possibility of your ex husband or wife being on too and not have it nailed down by your representative is no ones fault but your own or your hired help, frankly.
But that wouldn't work for BB would it? Controversy and all that. But it seems Chantelle did know even if he didn't. It hardly matters, she obviously still loves him and is gutted they split up. I doubt BB would have known that. Stupid of me to say they were cruel when they probably thought neither gave a flying f*ck either way.

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