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Jeeze!  If you don't want to know then don't ask!
I don't think she did ask them Cosi....Anyways, it ain't what you say it's the way that you say it... imo, John and Nadia said what they did in a heartless and insensitive way. I'm still not convinced that Nadia didn't have an ulterior motive,  to get her rid of who she thought was probably her biggest competition for the UBB crown
John wasn't unkind to Josie, he commented on JJ's character not hers.  I thought that Josie had asked him earlier, whether he would be going to hers and JJs wedding?  As mentioned by a previous poster, she constantly asks people's opinions about her and JJ.  Well there will be no need any more as she will no doubt see JJ for the disingenuous person he is.
You really do go to extraordinary lengths to pointlessly argue with people. It has everything to do with them and anyone else who watched BB that's the whole point of the show. They gave their opinion, are you saying they were lying? What reason do they have to lie?
FGS! Just because I happen to disagree doesn't mean I go to extraordinary lengths to be disagreeable! What do you want? Do you just want me to agree to please you?

Whilst I agree the relationship is 'sort of' public property I don't agree with HM's going into the house givining (ill informed) opinions of the outside world's never been tolerated before and was partucularly insensitive in this particular case.

In all seriousness you think that people should always agree with you? Why , if I have an alternative view should I not be free to express it?
Soozy Woo

Unless you go along with a theory that Endemol/C4 really did a hatchet job on JJ1 then it's hard not to agree with McCririck. 

BB/Endemol usually love a show romance and Josie was their anointed winner, viewers' favourite and a part of the only couple in this year's series.

For his opinion to be ill informed we'd have to imagine that all JJ1's rants, walk outs and arguments were taken out of context, that his insipid gestures of affection and awkwardness when asked questions about her were edited in and his true passion edited out. 

I suppose that could be the case but it seems rather unlikely.
Reference: Supes
Anyways, it ain't what you say it's the way that you say it...

9 times out of 10 if you mean well you'll tell it straight - no messing.
None of those UBB HM's could ever come close to the hurt Josie will feel if JJ's faking this so-called relationship.
Pussy footing is for those with some ulterior motive, in my 'umble....

As for Nadia's motive's - that's another subject (and probably for another thread).
Carnelian is irrelevant whether I agree or disagree with you. In all honesty I've yet to see someone won over by alternative arguments on here.

I obviously see it different to you happens.

What seriousy pees me off is that time and time again a certain FM jumps on every post I make and accuses me of being disagreeable simply for the sake of it.

We all have different takes on things - that's life. However this particular FM chooses to single me out because my opinion is different from his. TBH - I'd call that pretty arrogant.
Soozy Woo
They didn't, they gave their own opinions, opinions which happen to be echoed by the vast majority of people i.e. JJ is taking Josie for a complete mug. Not your opinion of course, well, that's a given.
Whatever their opinion - should it be allowed. In the BB house there should be no news from outside. They weren't even allowed the World Cup results. Suddenly the house is full of people giving an opinion on Josies relationship with John James you've quite rightly guessed I don't happen to agree with the opinion.

That is irrelevant - IMO they should not have been allowed to discuss it full stop,

Now ,,,,,,,,,,,,,you avoided the other prong to my post. Why is it that when I disagree with you and my opinions don't match yours that you feel I'm being disagreeable for the sake of it? Is it that you consider yourself to be unquestionably right all the time?

Should I not feel free to express an alternative opinion to yours without constant accusation of being disagreeable?
Soozy Woo
The problem is that you could say exactly the same about the likes of Davina who have relentlessly played-up the whole "house romance" thing. She has seen no more of the real goings-on than John McCririck, so what right does she have to go on and on about how they feel about each-other, and (for example), shout-down people on BBBM who dare to suggest that it's not real? IMO, that sort of behaviour is just as damaging...
Why is it that when I disagree with you and my opinions don't match yours that you feel I'm being disagreeable for the sake of it? Is it that you consider yourself to be unquestionably right all the time?
No Soozy, but it's not just me you disagree with, it's everyone  I have yet to read a single post from you agreeing with anything anyone has said but I have read more than I can remember where you disagree 'just cos'. 

I guess you have a lot of anger, dunno. Anyway don't mind me knock yourself out saying black is white it's only a forum after all
Karma_ 8,148 Forum PostsToday at 11:31 PM Last Edited: Reference: But why does he feel he has the right to spout off to her? Why has Josie felt the need to do nothing but bang on about it for the last 3 months, including up to her exit from a brand new set of HMs'?
Yes, Josie was getting extremely irritating and repetetive to listen to, even to the last!  Bye bye Josie, now we can get on with what BB is really about - fun, laughter, a bit of conflict and maybe a even real romance?
Carnelian is irrelevant whether I agree or disagree with you. In all honesty I've yet to see someone won over by alternative arguments on here. I obviously see it different to you happens. What seriousy pees me off is that time and time again a certain FM jumps on every post I make and accuses me of being disagreeable simply for the sake of it. We all have different takes on things - that's life. However this particular FM chooses to single me out because my opinion is different from his. TBH - I'd call that pretty arrogant.
Fair enough Soozywoo, I wasn't aware of any history between you and the other poster. 
I can't escape the fact that John James and Josie have chosen to 'act out' their 'relationship' on national television in a light entertainment show. A show which invites the viewers' opinions.
I think that obviously  conflicts with an expectation of privacy.
They chose to do it very publicly in a programme which seks the views of those watching.
Can't have the bread buttered on both sides.
~Lee~ 5,824 Forum PostsToday at 11:43 PM Last Edited: Reference: Which is what I've been saying for week's,when Josie choose to sit in the company of JJ while he tore others to shreds,when she *told him off* with either a smile on her face or laughing all the way,maybe John Mc should have tried that tactic.
Good point Lee.  Josie, will probably find herself on the receiving end of his vitriole in the real world...
Well being that the majority of this forum is anti josie and anti JJ I'm gonna be disagreeing with a lot of people - that's inevitable.

The fact that Josie won with 77.5% of the vote simply shows that this forum isn't really representative of RL. And .............I don't disagree with everyone - it's just how you choose to see it.

Now you knock yourself out seriously I mean it please knock yourself out. 

I opened the door for a mature discussion - I think you're incapable.
Soozy Woo
Jeeze! If you don't want to know then don't ask! It's quite simple, really. She's got ears - she'd already had unfavourable comments about him. Why keep bringing up the subject if you don't want to hear the answer?
Josie was trying to turn UBB into the JJ and Josie show...thank heavens for us viewers that she failed, so couldn't hack it.
brisket 9,789 Forum PostsToday at 11:45 PM Last Edited: I can't escape the fact that John James and Josie have chosen to 'act out' their 'relationship' on national television in a light entertainment show. A show which invites the viewers' opinions. I think that obviously conflicts with an expectation of privacy. They chose to do it very publicly in a programme which seks the views of those watching. Can't have the bread buttered on both sides.
I have to agree with you Brisket.. and now that it has been exposed in all its falseness by the celebrity HMs, JJ and Josie will have difficulty selling their 'story'... It will be interesting to see how it plays out in the media now!
Don't most people talk about their relationships?

The HM's will be discussing Pres & Chantelle, they'll discuss The Booby too; they'll talk about their kids and families.  If you are one of a couple you talk about your other half, home life and any other subject that comes up.

Why wouldn't they talk to Josie about her life and relationships - even moreso when she brings the subject up.
Good point Lee.  Josie, will probably find herself on the receiving end of his vitriole in the real world...
Sad but true Keen,unless of course she handles his nastiness in a different way,she is capable of that we saw it when he initially tried it with her and he soon backed off,the only other time I saw her tell him off without either laughing or smiling was last weekend.
9 times out of 10 if you mean well you'll tell it straight - no messing.
I agree Cosi, BUT, it was just the way that he said it, kinda laughing at her and mocking her. Can't remember the words but something like: 'Don't be so ridiculous/stupid woman.' And both he and Nadia started on at her about it 5 mins after coming into the house. Yeah, tell it how it is, (they believe it to be,) but I just think that it would have been a lot more sensitive to do so 1:1 and in a different manner. It's bloody devastating enough to be told that someone you love doesn't love you, never mind to be told in that way

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