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Actually I think religion is a very personal thing - Johns rant is no different to Daves preaching. A respectful discussion is good whereby both sides listen but IMO John is as bad as the most fervent evangelist. No one should brow beat another over their beliefs. It's personal.
Good point, I agree with that Soozy...
Senora Reyes
Actually I think religion is a very personal thing - Johns rant is no different to Daves preaching. A respectful discussion is good whereby both sides listen but IMO John is as bad as the most fervent evangelist. No one should brow beat another over their beliefs. It's personal.
Completely 100% agree with you - an atheist on a rant is as bad as a fervent believer on a rant.
Actually I think religion is a very personal thing - Johns rant is no different to Daves preaching. A respectful discussion is good whereby both sides listen but IMO John is as bad as the most fervent evangelist. No one should brow beat another over their beliefs. It's personal.
But to be fair religious people have been ramming their beliefs down peoples throats for centuries.
Actually I think religion is a very personal thing - . No one should brow beat another over their beliefs. It's personal.
religion is NOT  a personal thing...don't be daft.  It's a system that brainwashes and controls the minds and behaviour of millions of needs to be challenged.

If, for example, the Tory party started telling us that gays are evil and that women are second class citizens, or not to wear condoms  etc...there would be uproar and most people claiming to support the Tory party would be challenged on their allegiances and beliefs....rightly so!

why should religion or people who adhere to its beliefs be any different?
Good points DS, but if someone makes the personal choice to adhere to a belief system, it is just that, thier personal choice. John by all means can and should challenge anything he does not agree with, but I hated the way he had to belittle and insult her to make his points seem valid. A good debater would have challenged with respect and a lot more dignity, rather than use it an opportunity to massage his own ego.

John was no better than the most fervent religious believer ramming thier opinions and beliefs down our throats.

I said in another thread, JM knew what he was doing going hell for leather about Monk Dave and Makosi's beliefs...I would bet 50 grand had either of them been Muslim, Jew or Hindu, John would have kept shctum....Because he knew there would be uproar....He's far from stupid.
Senora Reyes
religion is NOT  a personal thing...don't be daft.  It's a system that brainwashes and controls the minds and behaviour of millions of needs to be challenged.
The trouble is that religion and spirituality are often confused. Religion is as you say, potentially harmful and brain washing.
However a person's faith or spirituality , no matter what their "god" is, should be respected as it is personal to them and as long as they keep it that way and not inflict their views on others then they should be allowed to think what they like.
The trouble is that religion and spirituality are often confused. Religion is as you say, potentially harmful and brain washing. However a person's faith or spirituality , no matter what their "god" is, should be respected as it is personal to them and as long as they keep it that way and not inflict their views on others then they should be allowed to think what they like.
Senora Reyes
I would bet 50 grand had either of them been Muslim, Jew or Hindu, John would have kept shctum....Because he knew there would be uproar....He's far from stupid.
You see this is the hypocrisy that gets me...

Uproar because people don't feel they have the freedom to criticise the non- christian faiths,

Yet uproar when people exercise their freedom to question christianity.

you've got to laugh
The trouble is that religion and spirituality are often confused. Religion is as you say, potentially harmful and brain washing. However a person's faith or spirituality , no matter what their "god" is, should be respected as it is personal to them and as long as they keep it that way and not inflict their views on others then they should be allowed to think what they like.
i've no problem with people believing there are fairies at the bottom of their garden.   As long as they don't start forming gangs and start telling me to wear fairy wings and dance round a mushroom !
've no problem with people believing there are fairies at the bottom of their garden.   As long as they don't start forming gangs and start telling me to wear fairy wings and dance round a mushroom !
And if people want to believe that, providing they don't make us dance around mushrooms, then who are we to stop them?

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