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Reference Mount Olympus Today at 19:30:
He also said he had been in the Army or some forces too ..then was a weak as eck going round the combat [can't think of the proper name] thingy course they had for a task.. he fell off the monkey bars..
Although it was another lie, I was prepared to let him off for that one. The problem was that none of the HMs were prepared to go out and practise the "assault course" task, and Nick felt someone needed to take the lead. He told that lie to give himself some authority.

Unfortunately for NIck, it rather backfired. Some of the other HMs realized immediately that the army claim was false, leading to Melanie's famous line to Tom(?) "Do you think it's all lies?"
Eugene's Lair
Reference Soozywoo Today at 21:36:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm as I remember he was incredibly popular with HM's but everyone on the outside was screaming for his blood. Don't think he had a hope in hell of winning.
He was unpopular with the viewers because we could see that he was lying and manipulating. My point is that if he had actually played it straight and not lied and manipulated, the viewers may well have liked him too...
Eugene's Lair
He was unpopular with the viewers because we could see that he was lying and manipulating. My point is that if he had actually played it straight and not lied and manipulated, the viewers may well have liked him too...
The only reason the HM's didn't nominate was because they felt sorry for him. He was as boring as feck ........the only thing that made him interesting was his lies. I can't see whatever you look at it that he was a potential winner.

From what little I've seen so far ........he's still one boring bugger!
Soozy Woo
Reference Fairfax Today at 19:37:
It was to gain sympathy, but there have been really nasty HM's since him. Vid darling, I don't now anyone, even in a gameshow, who would think its ok to say their wife died in a car crash. IMO something very weird about that
From what I remember: prior to entering the house, he had discussed with some friends how he should play it, and they suggested he have some background story to use as a "hook" to gain interest and/or sympathy. I can't remember why he decided on the "dead wife" story, but he admitted afterwards it had been a mistake.

Apart from being in bad taste, telling a whopper like that on telly seems unbelievably crazy, but you've got to remember that it was the first series and the HMs didn't really appreciate what would and wouldn't be shown. Sada (and others) didn't realize that HMs showering and bathing would be shown (only the toilets were exempt, and BB had a get-out clause for that too); Darren didn't realize the DIary Room conversations were broadcast; and Nick didn't realize there would be live streaming, and he thought the majority of his comments and manipulations would never be seen by the viewing public...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Supercalifragilistic Today at 21:48:
In my experience, most people don't like lying, devious, manipulative, cheats, they like people who play fair....each to their own I suppose
This was the one big message that came out of BB1, and a heartening one IMO.
Even at the time though, there were some who said "but it's a gameshow, and he was just playing the game", but they tended to be in the media, and of those tended to work for C4/Endemol.
I do find it interesting that PEJ still uses the "Nick was just playing the game" line. IMO, it just confirms the long-held suspicion that he's never really understood his audience...
Eugene's Lair

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