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"I heard Josie was Davina's children's nanny and is in a relationship with George lambs dad"


"C4 and Endemol can spin anything how they like...... if the rumours about Josie being mates with Davina are true, then Josie could fair quite well. Don't forget that the majority of us only see the one hour highlights programme"

If it's true, it explains a lot.

Davina spent most of Andrew;s interview talking about Josie. It's kind of adding up.

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It sounds like drivel made up by Josie haters.  Probably the same people who made the profile on that acting website, trying to make out she's an actress.
TBF those pics were posted on that site on 8th June,why would there have been haters then?...Poor old Sunshine got the blame for posting the link to it on Twitter apparently.

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