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I thought John James was right there tbh, he knows that George can't stand him so why pretend?, even Sam Pepper clapped at what was said.
Don't blame he for saying something to him but why not do it off camera just like George did, we didn't get to see what George actually said, John is just making himself look even more of a tw-t if thats possible
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the pretendy fake love of his life, is promoting him as being the best kisser EVURRRR!!    There's no way that creepy aussie tosser and maisie moo have ever properly locked lips. JJ almost got more of a snog before he left, Josie got a pat on the head and a peck on the cheek.   Crab eyed tosser     
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the pretendy fake love of his life, is promoting him as being the best kisser EVURRRR!!    There's no way that creepy aussie tosser and maisie moo have ever properly locked lips. JJ almost got more of a snog before he left, Josie got a pat on the head and a peck on the cheek.   Crab eyed tosser
She said they did,he said they didn't,that's the have they kissed story blown for the mags.
Josie got a pat on the head and a peck on the cheek. Crab eyed tosser
 BUT BUT he thinks she's gorgeous now she's had her make over  i can't see this nomance lasting long, on last nights HL show after dave had been talking about how many boo's John got, Josie said oh i'll have no friends left when i get out, even she's seeing they aren't well matched
I doubt the lovely George Lamb gives a rip or a toss, what that pathetic little scroat thinks...George has been a succesful Music manager and Presenter, WTF is Skippy gonna do after BB?
A lot of doors will be closed to JJ now, you dont get anywhere going on live TV using the F word then the next day being rude to the host

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