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Josie is extremely pretty. She is also blessed with a good figure, because even with the extra weight she can still carry a dress and most clothes off well.

She KNOWS she is stunning and that makes the Cinders act so tiresome.

As Karms and others have said, her undoubted good looks take nothing away from the fact that she is cold, manipulative, attention seeking, vindictive, self centred, dull and generally very unpleasant person.. constantly using people.

I can't get over her holding up her knickers for the HM's to see with big grin on her face. She had already told Andrew as he walked past her in the bathroom, He was not that interested.. (it being eviction night.)..Josie then went and plastered the knickers against the glass and shouted to the other HM's who were equally nonplussed. Too bad Josie. for once "I'm so geeky and goofy" act did not come off.. you looked desperate and vulgar.

During the Rate the HM task, she kept saying of the 'most forgettable category'  "I thought the it was most forgetful... cue hollow laughter.. She kept repeating it trying to come over as cute and dipsy. Dipsy she is NOT. Everything she does is for the benefit of the camera's. Josie is the best  and most canny PR adviser/agent she will ever have. Anyway... that's my opinion.
Last edited by Green&Pink
As Karms and others have said, her undoubted good looks take nothing away from the fact that she is cold, manipulative, attention seeking, vindictive, self centred, dull and generally very unpleasant person.. constantly using people.
I agree G & P.  She has been the least entertaining HM this year.  Even Bob Righter, the TOT, Titan and Davina McCaw were more entertaining.
As Karms and others have said, her undoubted good looks take nothing away from the fact that she is cold, manipulative, attention seeking, vindictive, self centred, dull and generally very unpleasant person.. constantly using people.
I sometimes wonder if we are all watching the same show 

Can't see that at all TBH. And the fact that she'll probably win it looks like I'm not the only one.

I think she looks lovely.
Soozy Woo
I think she looks lovely.
As far as looks go, she is stunning.

It's funny how people perceive things so differently isn't it Soozy?
I did not watch BB 11 until week 2 or 3. I wanted to like Josie.. but I remember watching her talking to Shabby saying in her affected fake attention seeking way that she does..
"I can't help flirting I can't.. even when I don't mean it I can't help it.."

I have never seens her other than as a performer. And very very cold and unconnected with people around her. Even John James. She used him MUCH more than the other way around. But like I say.. it's my perception..I am sure you have compelling reasons to think the opposite.
I can't get over her holding up her knickers for the HM's to see with big grin on her face. She had already told Andrew as he walked past her in the bathroom, He was not that interested..
Apart from Monk Dave looking up his wife's skirt, that had to be the most attention seeking thing I've seen Farmer Giles do, I was like, why are rubbing your nasty, frousy smelly under crackers on the glass door and declaring "Oi pissed myself"...She sounded retarded.
Senora Reyes
I have never seens her other than as a performer. And very very cold and unconnected with people around her. Even John James. She used him MUCH more than the other way around. But like I say.. it's my perception..I am sure you have compelling reasons to think the opposite
I've seen her in exactly the same way GP from the first week I disliked her...For me there is a huge element of false behaviour, not so well hidden aggression, and an overbearing personality.
Senora Reyes
I've seen her in exactly the same way GP from the first week I disliked her...For me there is a huge element of false behaviour,not so well hidden aggression, and an overbearing personality.
Oh, yes Senora.. all that laughter is hiding a lot of anger and bitterness.
Some of it was exposed to lovely Sammy and not so lovely Keeva.. She even says it of herself.. "I aaave a real naaaasty steak oi do"
BB did a wicked edit during the Dickens tasks, when Farmer Giles was giving her usual speel to anyone who would listen, about being an easy going girl, hating argiung and shouting "Oi just likes to av a laugh"..crap...Cut to Farmer Giles face contorted with aggression screaming at Sam Pepper.."SHUT UP SAM"....
Last edited by Green&Pink
Oh well, I hated 'the lovely Sammy Pepper's' behaviour, but even I could see he had a nice side to him.
It's not for the want of trying Blizz .. it really isn't. .

I have tried, but see no redeeming qualities in Josie. NONE.

EDIT: One small thing has come to mind that I thought was genuine and nice. When Andrew Stone asked Corin if she was a lesbian, Corin would not answer directly and Josie said.. "you don't like labels do you Corin?" That kind of helped Corin out.

It was nice.
Last edited by Green&Pink
I do think Josie was more genuine in her friendship with Jo, than Corin ever was.
But Corin, to be fair never professed great findship with Jo.. AND Jo used to go round saying that Josie was her best mate and the only one she would want to see on the outside blah blah.... She (Jo) shafted Racel there, Rachel was Jo's best and most true ally.

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