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A quiet night in front of the box, a few voddy shots (maybe a load if Sam gets the boot) and a pizza. OH may have to protect the tv is Sam goes though. If Dave stays I couldn't possibly comment as the Baron says.
Monkey, I think I love you a little bit...You feel the same as me on most things!

Enjoy...and only throw soft things at the TV...none of them are worth the expense of a new telly!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
A night infront of the TV...lots of Lager, Baileys and Vodka.....I plan on having a lie in Tomorrow

The OH has only caught a few episodes of BB and he loathes John James and Dave...(good boy).....I'm surprised as he usually says the opposite of what I say

He has said he'll watch it with me tonight as he wants to see the smug smiles wiped of their faces as well

According to his nibbs, John James and Dave have the kind of faces "you'd never get fed up of slapping"
The Devil In Diamante

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