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she's dying to blow the whistle on the BBLBC antics and BB are desperate to keep it under wraps I didnt see it all I am assuming he told her
You must be psychic MrsH.   We didn`t hear it..lots of sound dips.. but he must have. She`s just questioned Victor about what`s going on with him and Nick. All the others are looking flummoxed.
She`s stirring it big time.


14:25 Anthony is waiting inside the nest as housemates gather on the sofas.

 14:26 Makosi is dressed in a green ping-pong suit and is waiting running around looking for her shoes. The housemates speculate what is about to happen. There is a picnic outside in the garden.  Makosi is instructed to sit in a picnic in the garden while the housemates watch from the house. Big Brother calls for "Makosi's love guest" to join her, and Anthony emerges. She says "oh my god, oh my god" and starts laughing. "I was dreading this."

 14:28 After a hug, he says wasn't about going on the show because she had been dreading it, then decided that he "had to go in" to see the look on her face.  Makosi thought that Anthony would be here, and that he would be waiting in the jacuzzi. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be,” she says. Anthony expected her to start crying as he arrived.

 14:46 The two continue talking in the garden about how this is the last show and neither of them could pass up an appearance.  They continue catching up. The pair have only seen each other three times since the show. "There is no bad air between us," says Anthony.

 14:50 Anthony is reminded by Big Brother that he cannot repeat what he has seen on TV. Makosi then leads the conversation about the show so far, letting him voice his opinion about the other housemates.  Talking about their series, Anthony says that he didn't know Craig was gay. "I thought he was just being friendly," he said. Makosi agrees.

 14:53 Makosi teases Anthony how he kissed all the girls in their series.

 14:55 After the sound is muted, the conversation turns to sex. "I'm really glad we didn't have sex,” says Makosi. "I'm glad we've cleared the air now". Anthony says that even people close to them thought they might have had sex.

 14:56 Anthony reveals that Big Brother wanted Anthony and Makosi to get into the jacuzzi but he refused. He says that all of the housemates should get in the pool. Big Brother announces that the date will be ending soon and Makosi and Anthony complain. "We wanted to have a little swim!" Makosi jokes.


14:57 Makosi wants Anthony to stay the night, and jokes they could stay in the pool. After Big Brother announces that their date is almost other, Anthony approaches the house windows and says hello to each housemate in turn.

 14:59 Anthony and Makosi agree that they have enjoyed their date. They joke that they should move in together and have children. "You get pregnant quite easily," Anthony quips.

 15:01 Anthony reveals that he enjoyed watching John McCririck "perving" on Makosi. She says she liked him and claims that "in his own special, weird way he was kind of hot". She also praises John for saying what he felt.   Makosi says she liked Anthony when they were in the house together because he was himself. She says if she didn't win she wanted Anthony to triumph. She jokes that he should have bought her a present.  Makosi and Anthony agree that they are glad they have cleared up the jacuzzi incident. Makosi tells Anthony about her charity work, her blog, and her radio work. "I've been kind of busy," she says.

 15:08 Anthony tells Makosi that he did some charity work in Africa with Liam from Big Brother 8. He says it was an "amazing experience". Makosi says she is proud of him.

 15:10 Big Brother announces that the date is over. Anthony finishes eating a strawberry and hugs Makosi goodbye. He goes to say goodbye to the other housemates, who are standing in the living area. Big Brother tells Anthony to leave. He kisses Makosi goodbye and Chantelle and Nikki scream. Anthony leaves through the task room door.

 15:11 Nikki and Nadia run into the garden and grab the hamper of food. They take it into the main house as Big Brother announces that the garden is out of bounds. "Too late, mate!" Nikki grins.

 15:13 Makosi tells Nick that Anthony was talking a lot about him and Victor. She reassures him that Anthony wasn't saying anything bad. The housemates are examining the hamper of food.

 15:16 Brian tells Makosi that they were betting on whether Anthony would kiss her goodbye on the cheek or on the lips. Makosi admits that Anthony is "so gorgeous". Nikki squeals that she likes him. She asks if Makosi is drunk. "You are a little bit," Brian says. Makosi says she's pleased she's friends with Anthony again.

 15:17 The shutters open and Brian is excited because the stage is there for his dancing task. He runs outside with Makosi and they dance on the podium together. Preston and Nikki go outside and jump up and down.

Smarting Buttocks

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