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Demantoid offline 11,561 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:27 PM Last Edited: Part of it's an act ( she's already re-tried the old favourites 'Nikki's bed' and 'it doesn't woooork') but I think part of it's also a legacy of her anorexia, which she's had since age 8. Hard to grow up when you've spent most of your life trying (and nearly dying) to stay in the body of a child. Annoying little bugger, but it's not all an act.

I would imagine that because of her illness, she was probably allowed to get away with stuff and spoiled.
I would imagine that because of her illness, she was probably allowed to get away with stuff and spoiled.
Spot on - my daughter used to live with a girl who had both anorexia and OCD. She made my girl's life hell  and her parents would completely vindicate any bad behaviour.
She did outrageous things and in the end my girl had to move out and ended up paying 2 lots of rent because no one else would share with this girl and the lease had to be honoured.
Reference: LL
I would imagine that because of her illness, she was probably allowed to get away with stuff and spoiled.
Agreed. She`s up this morning whining, in her baby voice, about people snoring and keeping her awake. The very one who gets up and 7am  to go to bathroom, stomping her feet and slamming doors, wakening everyone up. 
She`s selfish and spoiled.
Ulrika`s the only one saying that on LF right now and she`s right!  Go Ulrika!
Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 14,988 Forum Posts Today at 10:32 AM Last Edited: Don`t get me wrong LL. I like Nikki too and yes her strops can be quite funny...but her selfishness is hard to take. She`s still going on about the majorette task and her not being the troop leader at the front. She`s 27 not 7.
Yes, she can be selfish, that's what being spoilt does to you.  She does get away with alot and if I was in her company, I would have to get her told about that.
I like Nikki too and yes her strops can be quite funny...but her selfishness is hard to take. She`s still going on about the majorette task and her not being the troop leader at the front.
She does make me laugh and I q like her overall, but yeah, the extended sulk about Chantelle getting the troupe leader role rather than her was beyond self-centred, and then to blame UlrikaWhatever Nikki  said about moving on from the history with Chantelle, clearly it hasn't happened
Reference: LL
Yes, she can be selfish, that's what being spoilt does to you. She does get away with alot and if I was in her company, I would have to get her told about that.
Me too LL. That`s why I admire Ulrika. Although, I`ve just watched a vid on Ch4 and Nadia, Michelle and Victor had a go at her for getting up in the middle of the night, going over to the snorer`s beds and frightening them out of their sleep. Got to admit, I laughed at that  but I don`t blame them for being annoyed.
I don't know what it is but I know it's bloody annoying. How the hell as she managed to get to this age without someone tearing her down? If I was in the house I would have to tell her to grow up.
Ditto..... to me, and based solely on what I have seen in the House,   she is just a typical spoilt brat, who deserves a month on the naughty step!
Reference: Supes
She does make me laugh and I q like her overall, but yeah, the extended sulk about Chantelle getting the troupe leader role rather than her was beyond self-centred, and then to blame UlrikaWhatever Nikki said about moving on from the history with Chantelle, clearly it hasn't happened
Oh, I never thought about that Supes. I just assumed she was her usual huffy puffy self at not being the centre of attention. Yes, and blaming Ulrika...never got that.
Tasks were being given out this morning, she never commented on them. All she talked about was the task that she might be given. Me me me. She`s very self centered.
She does make me laugh and I q like her overall, but yeah, the extended sulk about Chantelle getting the troupe leader role rather than her was beyond self-centred, and then to blame Ulrika
When the Task was revealed Nikki offered to be the choreographer and then changed her mind but said she did want a bigger part in the Task and agreed that Chantelle should be Troop Leader as she had experience of being a Majorette, so that left her with the choreographer's role.
Reference: Puddy
When the Task was revealed Nikki offered to be the choreographer and then changed her mind but said she did want a bigger part in the Task and agreed that Chantelle should be Troop Leader as she had experience of being a Majorette, so that left her with the choreographer's role.
Then complained non stop that she should have been the troupe leader because it was her BB7 task, even although Chantelle had offered her it, more than once, while they were deciding the roles.Then moaned later that she didn`t want to be choreographer because she`d never choreographed before. Went for a run around the garden to let of steam. (right through where they were rehearsing) Then said about Ulrika "you know who your friends are" because she`d announced her as the choreographer and not the troupe leader.  
As Ulrika said to her this morning, she ended up at the front anyway. She still wasn`t happy.
There`s no pleasing her.
What Scotty said^^^^....but, when the task was announced, Chantelle immediately said that she used to be a majorette and everyone therefore agreed that she should be the troupe leader...Nikki got the hump from that moment and went into a sulk. She then said that she should have a bigger role because it was 'her task.' Presumably she was hoping that they would all agree that she should be the troupe leader- they didn't, she sulked further

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