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The customers were reinfecting the staff who were reinfecting the customers etc etc....  And back and forward it went.  Seriously, it cost them thousands, they are a 3 star restaurant, they are a tiny place with nothing to gain from being careless with food hygiene.  I'd have no worry about eating there, more confidence than I would picking up a Domino's tbh.  They have too much to lose.
Oh I am sure you are completely right. 
I just don't like the sound or the look of the food and it irks me that people are paying so much money for it. Their decision I suppose, but it just seems a bit of a rip off to me,
And the food poisoning was caused by a load of toxic oysters that affected a number of restaurants supplied by the same, emm, supplier.  Nothing to do with lax food handling.
Now. Batey! I know you should know about the oyster rule by now!  

Never eat them if there is no 'R' in the month name! Always ask for a date!  
The themed ones? I did like them just for their ambition. A lot of it was daft but I think it's good any discipline has people prepared to do summat different, even if it goes tits up
Yeah.  They were fun and I liked how he was dead serious in getting the technicalities out of the way but once he had it cracked he was just happy to see people having fun and enjoying it.  It made me view him in a different way, I had thought of him as a bit po faced and tweedy knickers before that.
I think all this food stuff would have gone down much better with a sneaky bit of charley, you know, sped things up a bit? See how I got this thread back on topic? I should have been a schoolteacher
My attempt at getting a sneaky sock thing was a no go. See why I was only in charge of pencils. Bah
I had thought of him as a bit po faced and tweedy knickers before that.

Fair point, lol    He is a bit of a boffin.

His driving force has always been making people happy; pleasure and indulgence though.  Just has a nerdy interest in cooking and hedonism.  I can see why it puts folk off but I think his end game has always been, "Well that was bloody nice, eh?", from his punters. 

I like the way he thinks.
Fair point, lol He is a bit of a boffin. His driving force has always been making people happy; pleasure and indulgence though. Just has a nerdy interest in cooking and hedonism. I can see why it puts folk off but I think his end game has always been, "Well that was bloody nice, eh?", from his punters. I like the way he thinks.
I couldn't see it so much on his old shows but I do now.  Now I just see a competitive kid who wants folks to have a good night.

I used to think he was a bit cold and elitist.  I guess at the time there was a lot of the rustic, peasant, wholesome shtick going on...and that did seem more accessible.
I used to think he was a bit cold and elitist. I guess at the time there was a lot of the rustic, peasant, wholesome shtick going on...and that did seem more accessible.

I think it takes all sorts.  I've warmed to Jamie Oliver over the past few years and his cooking is the polar opposite in terms of process to Hestons.

Some twat complained years ago when Heston was writing the Guardians food page that it was poncey and beyond them (read, all) and he should be sacked,  I told them they were mental.  It was like someone complaining to the Times about Picasso writing their home art page cause they didn't get this new fangled cubism.  Plus a lot of the food is not  that complicated it's just different in construction.  I still use a number of his recipes from the Guardian days.  They're piss easy and lush. 
I think it takes all sorts. I've warmed to Jamie Oliver over the past few years and his cooking is the polar opposite in terms of process to Hestons. Some twat complained years ago when Heston was writing the Guardians food page that it was poncey and beyond them (read, all) and he should be sacked, I told them they were mental. It was like someone complaining to the Times about Picasso writing their home art page cause they didn't get this new fangled cubism. Plus a lot of the food is not that complicated it's just different in construction. I still use a number of his recipes from the Guardian days. They're piss easy and lush.
I've been disinterested/love/hate/love/loathe/murderous rage/look, just die already/love with Jamie for years, right back when I was still cooking.  Rhodes is the only one I have not, will not, never, ever enjoy a column, a book, a series...nothing.  I can fly back and forth with any cook, writer or critic but not him.

Where's my futhafluppin' sock segue?
I've been disinterested/love/hate/love/loathe/murderous rage/look, just die already/love with Jamie for years, right back when I was still cooking.  Rhodes is the only one I have not, will not, never, ever enjoy a column, a book, a series...nothing.  I can fly back and forth with any cook, writer or critic but not him.
I still think Delia rocks - her recipes never go wrong

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