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She may have walked out after only two days of Ultimate Big Brother but Josie Gibson captured the hearts of the public with a landslide victory in BB11, claiming 77.5% of the vote. Digital Spy caught up with the Bristolian to get her views on her future with John James, Sam Pepper and the potential romance between Chantelle and Preston.

You were the bookies favourite to win and you walked out. Talk us through it…
"I couldn't handle it no more. Because I come out and went back in again the walls started closing in on me and I had a mini-breakdown. I do feel like a bit of a Larry-letdown but I've never felt like that before, I was shaking and on edge."

How does it feel to win Big Brother with the biggest ever winning margin of 77.5%?
"That feels amazing. I can't get my head around that."

What happened when you left the house and how did you manage to bump into John James?
"I thought I was just going to go the pub, so I walked out. Then I carried on walking and just put my head down and heard [puts on an Australian accent] 'Josie, Josie!' It looked staged but it wasn't, he was waiting for a taxi because he just went in to do the video message."

Did you feel the same about John James when you left the house?
"Yeah, definitely."

What did he say afterwards?
"He just said he loves me and he is going to stick by me."

Did you spend the night with each other last night?
"No I didn’t because my friend Janette came down so I spent the night with her. You want to spend the night together when you have a straight head."

What does your Mum think of him?
"I reckon she loves him. Actually, I know she loves him because I spoke to her last night. He’s met the whole family!"

Have you ever felt like this about anyone else?
"Not like this, no."

How did you feel about Nadia’s comments about John James?
"It was quite hard to take because they all came in with opinions on our relationship. I hadn’t come out of the house so I didn't have the chance to talk to John properly."

What do you think about the Caoimhe situation? Were you jealous of her spending time with John James?
"Yeah, I was probably a bit jealous. In my eyes she made a beeline for me. I didn't think I was [being jealous at the time] but in the house everything is multiplied by about 6,000."

What does the future hold for you and John James?
"I don't know because we need to speak properly when my head's in a clearer place, I feel like I haven't slept for four days! When I know you'll know!"

Can you see yourself settling down with John James and having kids?
"Oh yeah, definitely. When you meet someone every girl thinks that at the back of their mind. It's early days, though, I don't want to scare the bugger off!"

You called John James asexual at one point, didn’t you?
"[Laughs] You don't realise what you’re saying in there, do you? I've got to shut my mouth from now on! Yeah, I did think he was one of them at first!"

Did you realise that Andrew had a crush on you?
"No I didn’t realise. I didn't realise it was a big crush."

What do you make of Sam Pepper?
"Sam Pepper is the loveliest, sweetest guy you will meet, he's so funny. In the beginning I didn't like him because he made a bit of a beeline for me, which he would admit to."

Did you feel inferior to the other Ultimate housemates? You said you were "normal" and they were "celebrities", were you intimidated by them?
"I feel really bad saying that now! I've grown up watching some of them people and it was like being in a new world talking about magazine deals and agents. I thought 'bloody hell, I'm sat in a bed next to Coolio, who do I think I am these days?'"

How do you feel about the Chantelle and Preston situation?
"Them two are so lovely. It's so nice how they get on so well. They have so much respect for each other. It's nice to see people who have split up not holding any grudges."


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sam Pepper is the loveliest, sweetest guy you will meet,
That says it all imo!....We had her allegations what Sam had said to the disabled lady at auditions,day after day thread after thread we had her allegations used here to try and discredit Sam,if someone did be so offensive as it was  alleged Sam was you'd hardly then make the above statement about him .
i'll hold my hands up.......i spoke about what lee mentioned in her post....however......i've seen and heard sam say how lovely josie is.......yet i haven't seen anyone say 'oh the story she walloped a ex b/f with a cricket bat isn't true then'....or 'oh she isn't a beer swilling chav'.....

i've said before....sam can be a nice mentioned he was very sweet and sensitive to steve on more than one occasion......on the flip side his mouth ran away with him a little too often.............more of the 'nice' sam and i reckon he could do really well out of being on big brother
That says it all imo!....We had her allegations what Sam had said to the disabled lady at auditions,day after day thread after thread we had her allegations used here to try and discredit Sam,if someone did be so offensive as it was alleged Sam was you'd hardly then make the above statement about him
cologne 1
i'll hold my hands up.......i spoke about what lee mentioned in her post....however......i've seen and heard sam say how lovely josie is.......yet i haven't seen anyone say 'oh the story she walloped a ex b/f with a cricket bat isn't true then'....or 'oh she isn't a beer swilling chav'.....
Sponge tbh most of the days it happened thread after thread you weren't here,well you weren't doing the posting ....The cricket bat story only popped up a few weeks back as far as I can remember, I'm not interested in allegations of things that happened outside the house,Mad Monk is a different story,his videos were there for all to see so that's irrefutable 
hiyas lee xxxxx.......i was probably doing something very un josie like......i was at the gym!..shhhhhhhhhh the possee will kill me!!.............

haven't caught any of the papers etc much since friday........anything been mentioned about those vids?.........
hiyas lee xxxxx.......i was probably doing something very un josie like......i was at the gym!..shhhhhhhhhh the possee will kill me!!............. haven't caught any of the papers etc much since friday........anything been mentioned about those vids?....
Gym you say,dear dear dear how unpossee like Spongee,tell you what we can strike a deal for my silence,next time your at the gym you have to exercise for me,nothing too strenuous 1 hours carido vascular and 1 hour on the treadmill,deal?...What Vids do you mean?,are we speaking absent Snow White and badly behaved Grumpy?
i never knew about her walloping her boyfriend god help john james then
it was a rumour nothing more........though i wouldn't be unhappy if she took a bat to john when he goes off on one..............
i never knew about her walloping her boyfriend god help john james then
In her defence Shizzle she may know nothing about it herself,she didn't say it,it was alleged somewhere by someone,again the old saying if you listened to all you heard you'd eat all you see comes to mind with these rumours.
hiyas lee xxxxx.......i was probably doing something very un josie like......i was at the gym!..shhhhhhhhhh the possee will kill me!!.............
Spongey!! I hope you just went to sit in the jazzui
saz my gym is so poor it doesn't have a jacooooooooooooooooooooozi!!

*sobs*.......i'm sorry......i'm so sorry.........i don't know what i was thinking of going to the gym whilst pretending to be a lard arse........i'll never go again i promise........and i'll eat 6,000 calories a day forever honest...............
Reference: Lee
That says it all imo!....We had her allegations what Sam had said to the disabled lady at auditions,day after day thread after thread we had her allegations used here to try and discredit Sam,if someone did be so offensive as it was alleged Sam was you'd hardly then make the above statement about him .
We heard her and Mario talk about it. BB chose to air it.

Are you suggesting that they were lying?

If he didn't say it, he can now put out a denial, surely?
It could have been exaggerated,taken out of context or worse case scenario it were lies or her latest statement about him is lies,I know for sure if someone made comments as she suggested he did there's not a chance on gods green earth I'd be saying he was the  loveliest, sweetest guy you will meet,not a chance.

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