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Everything John McCrirrick does is to attract disgust in others - he would have done that on purpose.
That's how I see it Jeggo, surely the whole point of him is to be vile to others and to look and be repulsive, isn't that  the whole basis of his more recent media career?  Or did I get that wrong? Why else say things like he did yesterday about not liking fat people and how he'd never employ one, how he disliked all of the UBB hms apart from Josie, etcetera ad finitum.
ahhhhhhhhh here we go again!! coolio makes a comment and he's just 'having a laugh'.......josie and ulrika make a comment and they're 'bitches' was funny.......john isn't stupid......he plays on the image he has to wind ppl up.....the slagging off his wife......the pants.......everything........he's known as a 'moany git' of course he's going to play on it!
Josie and her giant baggy bloomers (which she brought our attention to in the DR with one of her victim rants) has the cheek to slag off an old man in his underwear - has she looked in the mirror lately
Yes, presumably and also presumably why she was so horrified when Sam pulled the duvet off and 'exposed' her. She didn't want others to see because she is self conscious about it, whereas John Mc couldn't give a stuff, he plays on it
Yes, presumably and also presumably why she was so horrified when Sam pulled the duvet off and 'exposed' her. She didn't want others to see because she is self conscious about it, whereas John Mc couldn't give a stuff, he plays on it
And yet she mocks another who is afflicted with a big bumand pants like herslef. Hypocrite Joise... Edit, if she was self conscious why didn't she take pyjamas or suitable nightwear into the house.
Edit, if she was self conscious why didn't she take pyjamas or suitable nightwear into the house
I have no idea, but she does always try to cover up e.g. wearing a swimsuit rather than a bikini, long dresses, baggy tops, wearing her clothes to bed etc. etc. I absolutely believe that she is self-conscious about her weight, if others don't then so be it
Ok but why didn't she bring night clothes in. Most self conscious women wouldn't be seen dead in their bra/pants combo for bed (on tv).
Like I said, I have no idea Fairfax, but I've never seen her in just her bra and knickers, the time Sam pulled her duvet off she was wearing a t-shirt and knickers......maybe explains why she wears her clothes to bed???
John M has appeared on BBLB dancing in just his pants. it is his gimick ..................he could choose to wear PJ bottoms to bed if he were seriously worried about it. His big baggy pants are his trademark ........he knows people find it funny/revolting - that's why he walks around in them..
and presumably why Growlybear now has them as her avatar?

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