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That was hilarious!

He bellowed: "Ow!"

Mohamed, Darnell and Rex immediately started giggling, although Darnell did seem to realise his laughter was probably not impressing Mikey, saying: "That was not funny at all."

As the trio continued tittering, a furious Mikey screamed: "F***ing p***k. That was not f***ing funny."

Darnell spluttered: "I'm sorry, it's not funny, I'm only laughing at your reaction I'm not laughing at you getting hit in the head."Incensed by the laughter, Mikey screamed: "It's not funny! Rex, who was that?"Through his giggles, Darnell admitted: "It was me and Mohamed."The boys then chorused "sorry" as Mikey fumed: "That's f***ing s**t guys."Darnell said: "Sorry, I'm only laughing at how angry you are."Rubbing his neck Mikey grumbled: "Look at that. F***ing hell guys."As Mikey retreated inside, Darnell admitted: "That was the worst thing that could have happened."I feel like we learnt a lesson. Like that's why Big Brother doesn't let us play baseball games by the pool."

Found the dialogue.
Gosh, you're all bringing back some fabulous memories, brilliant stuff  

I agree with Katty and Senora- BB6 was my absolute favourite. Repellent Mazwell and gorgeous Roberto..also loved BB5 with Nadia, my favourite winner. Her dressed in military fatigues, plus shades screaming for ziggarettes in the diary room and squaring up Jason when they argued  are some of my favourite moments.

Celeb BB - George and Pete Burns in those clingy outfits throwing miming shapes
Kenzie dressed as humpty dumpty..
Yeah Jackie ....Senora put it beautifully earlier on when she described her comments regarding BB.. hilarious..
I really liked Adele BB stitched her up like a slipper (or whatever the saying is).
I didn't particularly like her but ...........that is when I realised how BB can and will manipulate what happens. If Jade had gone that week she'd have been lynched it turned out it was a whole different story.

I actually think it was Stewart BB2 that was the first one booed but ................Adeles stepped it up several notches.
Soozy Woo

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