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Sam Pepper was (possibly is, if rumours are true and he's set for UBB) one those housemates that divided a lot of people. Some adored him, some couldn't stand him and some were not bothered either way. I for one adored the little bugger and I just want to explain why to the people who seem baffled by his popularity. So here we go:

I have enjoyed BB11, much more so than BB10 and 9, the housemates in general have been 'good', the tasks brilliant and the atmosphere great. Now some of you will know about my unhealthy obsession with Sunshine, god I adored that girl, the fact the she could dance out of time to no music is a gift in itself, but when she got evicted I was truly gutted. Having a housemate you supported so much to be evicted so soon left a weird sort of emptiness (i know its sad to be like this over a tv show, but it was true). There was no-one else I supported, it was then I started watching Big Brother just for the sake of it.

Over the weeks, housemates would enter, walk and be evicted and then my family was hit by a double blow of pure sadness. Sure it was inevitable but nothing can prepare you for it.  It was an odd decision but I told myself 'just carry on watching BB', I've always watched BB and it would be an hour each night of distraction which is what I needed. And it did help a bit.

It was at this point that Sam Pepper entered the house. We all know why BB decided to, eventually, put him in. The current housemates were talking about how 'annoying' and 'rude' he was, so it seemed like a perfect move for the BB producers. At first I didn't agree, why upset the house with a housemate that none of them wrong I was. Within hours of Sam entering I was laughing, something I hadn't done for weeks. The fact he was asking the questions that many of us wanted answering but doing it in such a cheeky way was brilliant. He was bursting the ego's of housemates that seriously needed bursting: John James, Dave, Josie....and I loved it.

The great moments of Sam's 'Taperoo' and "Sam has been crouched under the hammock, dressed as a ninja, for 24 minutes"

His great quotes: "Cor it smells like fish in here, is that you Josie?", His love affair with the TOT and the fact he went in with the mindset of winding the housemates up and he did that. Sure he may have gone a bit far on things but he would always apologise. But as a housemate, for me anyway, he was perfect. I watch BB to be entertained and he did just that.

Cheers Sam

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I agree Sam Pepper brightened the house in the way that we were beginning to lose hope could happen.  Don't forget Josie and John James had been under the duvet for about 2 weeks solid before he went in there (it certainly seemed like it) and it got the house animated again.  His naughty one-liners, my favourite "is it wrong that I am peeing in the pool" just the fun he brought back in. Pure comedy gold.
Don't forget Josie and John James had been under the duvet for about 2 weeks solid before he went in there (it certainly seemed like it) and it got the house animated again.
Josie owes Sam a huge thanks, if it weren't for Sam she would have still been under that duvet today. He gave her a wake up call, I wish he hadn't or her and the greece monkey would have been the first out.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)

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