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I do think he is genuine about Josie, she handles his arsey side brilliantly, and he respects that about her.
yeah... I'd go with that.

I also don't think their relationship is any more messed up than a lot of relationships in the early stages...    I have no idea if it will progress or not...    but right now I think they've got something quite good between them.    Its unusual to be in a situation where you meet someone who has such a completely different background to you, and yet you still 'get each other' on other levels.

I like it!
Did anyone ANYONE think when he was talking about josie it was genuine?
Yes absolutely, I'm sure that he has v genuine feelings for her and her him, whether that is a healthy relationship, well, that's another matter entirely. She is without doubt the person who is most popular with the hms, they all seem to really like her and I don't remember hearing anyone ever bitch about her behind her back, (could be wrong, i didn't see much of the first few weeks,) Andrew expresses that she is the nicest person he has ever met.
Yes absolutely, I'm sure that he has v genuine feelings for her and her him, whether that is a healthy relationship, well, that's another matter entirely. She is without doubt the person who is most popular with the hms, they all seem to really like her and I don't remember hearing anyone ever bitch about her behind her back, (could be wrong, i didn't see much of the first few weeks,) Andrew expresses that she is the nicest person he has ever met.

funny isnt it, the house loves her, people she has lived with for over 9 weeks, yet people on this forum see a totally different person

havent read thru the thread - John James (giving him the benefit of the doubt by calling him by his name) - to ME, I reckon is very inexperienced with women, probably feels/is inferior in the erm....  nether regions, who knows?  I'm not being nasty but he nearly kissed JJ on the mouth when he was leaving.  Dont know what it is with him - he IS most probably gay, but that is NOT every good looking woman's fault!!!  Dont know what I'm trying to say here really - I think basically I think John James (again being gracious) is gay and he has severe woman trouble, whether its his upbringing or some girl putting him down... dunno - but whatever it is JJ1 get with the REAL world - women live here as well

Rachel was pro active the whole time she was in the house. She took on the two bitches and the big I am chef/cook.

I agree with you Cologne (sorry Ducky).  Rachel was laughed about among this community and called boring because she didn't get drunk or run around naked.  She was also vilified for saying she was there for the experience and nothing else.  She was as good as her word.  

That is why I am enjoying this year's BB so much.  It's not all about drunkeness and the girls were refreshing in that they were modest.  I think there was only 1 who would have bared all to launch herself but John James put a stop to her gallop.  I didn't like the way he did it but I agreed with his assessment of it.

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