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We've (most of us) have seen the highlighted sequences/footages of John James' various gripes with Rachael, while she was a HM in the House. Before confronting her, he pussy-footed about and whined obsessively to the other HM's about her 'look' then he picked up the courage to confront her about his pettiness complaint. In the particular garden clip, he was shown as saying to Rachael: "you look at me as if I'm an idiot" - NB: this perception of him was never actually verbalized by Rachael. 

He then went on to say to certain HMs:" I can't stand girls like that" - obviously relating and, indicating past-tense experiences with a specific type of girl(s).
We've seen various footage of his 'style' of argument - like a dog with a bone, he just won't give it up. HE, by his own admission has said stated that, he's GOT to have the 'Last Word' in an argument and described by example, his style of posting on youtube as being relentless when debating with other posters - to the point of the recipient blocking him. 

A recent clip shown on the C4 HL show, with him and Josie in the bathtub bantering (can't remember the exact words) and they were light-heartedly opposing each other, with a type of "yes they will, No they won't" childlike exchange. It was very important, even in this instance, for John James to feel like the victor, by saying to Josie: "you lost, give it up, you lost" - complete with a smug expression on his face. His own MOTHER, while recently appearing on BBLB, stated how he pursues her to the Loo JUST to have the last word, FFS!

Yeah yeah, for the sake of his apologists  those with a counter-argument - Rachael was equally snidey during the clip shown on the C4 HL show yesterday. However, where Rachael is concerned John James' behaviour shows all the hallmarks of 'implicit attitude' - an attitude activated without conscious awareness by memory of past experiences, as when a Man (or Woman) meets a member of the opposite sex and takes an instant dislike to him/her because for example, the person reminds them unconsciously of an uncle/aunt/BF/GF - but in JJ's case, Rachael reminds him of the 'type' of girl(s) that are perceived (by many) as physically attractive and confident, and perhaps made him feel inadequate in some way, and/or unable to control.

During this recent clip with Rachael, John James' forte of being the MOST catty bitch was amplified.Yes, he did say the only thing Rachael wouldn't do, is to have sex for money (words to that effect) but he didn't say this because of his high opinion of her - he alluded quite the opposite with the 'safe' subliminal method, but remembered the camera's were rolling and tried to fool didn't want to be misunderstood by the viewers for fear of reprisal .
 All the events surrounding John James, resonates his ruthless competitive streak to 'win' an argument at any cost - as well as insecurities, and his persecution-complexes.

Having said all that, I suspect John James does have a (debatable) 'fun' and endearing side,
we ALL have, but we're always judged by the most prominent side of our personalities - albeit most or less desirable. 

Rant over.

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He's shown he has a fun side, but it's disappeared now amongst the self-righteousness, insecurity and bitterness.

I'm stunned that he's got to the age of 24 without learning about consequences.

I also think that he fancied Rachael.....the way he spoke to her in the task room seemed nervous, he was constantly having little nervy laughs inbetween insults. She intimidated him big time!
Rachael was equally snidey during the clip shown on the C4 HL show yesterday.
Agree apart from this bit ^^^
I thought Rachel handled herself very graciously - I'd have been rubbing chilli oil into the bugger
JJ1's 'last word' fixation is very infantile, the sort of thing little kids do before they learn better. Getting the last word does NOT mean you've won, it just means you're a relentless bore whose self-esteem must be at rock bottom if it's boosted by something so trivial.
Yeah yeah, for the sake of his apologists those with a counter-argument -
Aww, you were doing so well up to there.

It doesn't matter how many people agree with your opinion, it is STILL just an opinion, and I think you should allow others their opinions without snidely insisting they are trying to wrongly justify something you don't agree with. Tis a low and unnecessary blow Ninja

I have not once seen anyone justify what John James said, I have only seen people justifying what Rachel said, and then people trying to readdress the balance.

All the events surrounding John James, resonates his ruthless competitive streak to 'win' an argument at any cost - as well as insecurities, and his persecution-complexes. Having said all that, I suspect John James does have a (debatable) 'fun' and endearing side, we ALL have, but we're always judged by the most prominent side of our personalities - albeit most or less desirable.

I would agree with all of this.

The only thing would I say is that for many, his prominent side WAS his fun and endearing side for many weeks. It's why he was popular for so long. Of course, that popularity has waned now because, as you say, his other side is now far more prominent. I no longer want him to win because of it, but that's more to do with my interpretation of the nature of the game, ( I like to see a winner who proves they can handle the stress well, and doesn't give into their "dark side"), than a change of heart over who he is as a person.

I would blame the prominence of his darker side (for want of a better expression) on the general pressure of that house, which BB are obviously ratcheting up at the moment (to test ALL of them of course). I imagine on the outside his two sides are far more balanced. If so, he is exactly the person I thought he was. Flawed but likable (to me), and that is exactly what I am looking for in a HM.

I am not defending his faults, I am not denying them, I am certainly not apologising for them, I have no problem with others judging him on them. I'm just attempting to explain why some may judge it differently.

Now I have plenty to say on Rachels faults, and why (again for me) they make her very dislikable...... but firstly, she's no longer a housemate, so why bother.........and secondly, I need lunch!
Quite so, Ducky. But an opinion formulated/supported by illustrated and, factual events. Therefore, an educated opinion.
You're not going to apologise for your snidey strikethrough then?

Seriously though Ninja, your post was great.

Although because I have seen factual events (regarding many HM's) interpreted so differently on here, I've given up believing in facts.

And you ain't coming off the list , the list is JJ1's set in it's ways and never changes.
Nah you wouldn't Ducky. Not in your face the whole time, in real life
Come on Suzy, do you really think I meant that I would?

I didn't hear JJ1 say that.....and because of the misquoting I've seen go on this series, I don't take it into consideration when I judge him. That's why I've never discussed it before and I'm unwilling to discuss it now. We all have to stick to what we know for sure right?

I don't like debating when I don't know the full facts. Thank gawd for LF!
So because I was serious in a previous post you believe I would seriously say I would love someone to record my telephone calls to trip me up. Suzy!!!!!!

I know it's sometimes difficult with the written word to know for sure when someone is joking........ but to say that seriously would make me insane!  

I'm not sure whether to laugh or be insulted.

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