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I don't doubt it, Lee.  I'm now firmly in the point and laugh zone with this idiot
If his antics weren't so damaging to other folk I'd be inclined to point and laugh too,if he were a Mars bar he'd eat himself,wrapper and all....He will get his comeuppance,as sure as eggs are eggs he will,the worrying thing is how many other poor sods will be subjected to his bile  before that happens,a stereotypical bully shielding a stereotypical coward.
And when Corin was in the middle of her 'well you disrespected his girlfriend, you're the most disrespectful person I've ever met' bit, he was all very humble and 'yeah I can see why you'd say that'.....
You could see the fear in his eyes, practically smell it through the tele Good! Maybe it'll teach him a lesson not to go round thinking his shit don't stink and that he can talk to and treat people in such an inferior fashion. He really does look down his nose at everyone doesn't he. Not one humble bone in his body. Funniest thing is, people who are like that are usually one of life's no ambition-under-achievers-by-choice
Aww Tiny Tears my younger sister had a tiny  tears doll.She's 48 now,lol.She used to wash it's little nappies.(It peed itself as well as cry)
I loved my Tiny Tears doll,my great aunt used to knit gorgeous little clothes for me for her,my mum wasn't happy with me when she discovered I'd cut one of the lovely pram covers of her Silver Cross to use in Tiny Tears cradle.
I wanted a genuine Tiny Tears but my Dad said he aint spending 25 quid when he could get a replica one from Macros for 15 quid AND the bloody tears wept out of her fingers not her eyes It was like having a rather macabre tranny doll of Jesus
Karma if I'd known this a fortnight ago I'd have mentioned it to the Pontiff when I was on the phone having Josie beatified.

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