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As I said, she laughs at the absurdity of it. If it was openly targetted at a fellow housemate, she would intervene, without laughing, as we have seen.
SHE didn't laugh yesterday,no that's right she didn't but it wasn't really about Corin was it,it ended   being about how JJ hadn't defended her against Sam.,she doesn't laugh when it's about her,she can show him she's not happy with him,all without laughing.
Reference: Lee
SHE didn't laugh yesterday,no that's right she didn't but it wasn't really about Corin was it,it ended being about how JJ hadn't defended her against Sam.,she doesn't laugh when it's about her,she can show him she's not happy with him,all without laughing.
It was about Sam targetting Corin, AND about John targetting Corin.

It ended up being about both her AND Corin, when John James accused them of ganging up against poor innocent Sam.

She stands up for herself and others, and proved it.
Dave, JJ2, and Sam are so far up JJ1's backside you can't see their toe-nails. I may be wrong but I don't remember Corin, Mario, Steve or Andrew ever really sticking up for anyone, apart from themselves? That's why I don't understand why Josie gets so much stick: yeah she did stand up to Sam/ JJ1 BUT BUT BUT, (insert: only because she's got a ticket to the final; only because it's about her; but now she's friends with him again/in bed with him; she didn't do it earlier; etc. etc. etc.)  I really, really don't get it.
The problem as I see it, is that yes Josie had a go at him and got him told.  The whole nation were cheering her on, then 5 mins later she is almost begging him to talk to her and cuddling with him   This more or less negates everything she had said to him, about not wanting to associate with someone who treats women so badly.  I know she has feelings for the guy (lord knows why), but she went down in alot of people's estimation who had hopes that she had some sort of backbone.  It wouldn't have been as bad if she had kept it up for the rest of the day
Dave, JJ2, and Sam are so far up JJ1's backside you can't see their toe-nails. I may be wrong but I don't remember Corin, Mario, Steve or Andrew ever really sticking up for anyone, apart from themselves? That's why I don't understand why Josie gets so much stick: yeah she did stand up to Sam/ JJ1 BUT BUT BUT, (insert: only because she's got a ticket to the final; only because it's about her; but now she's friends with him again/in bed with him; she didn't do it earlier; etc. etc. etc.)  I really, really don't get it.
I really really don't get why  she's the be all and end all because for once she showed her displeasure at him with a serious face,not laughing like she normally does which imo has no impact whatsoever,.Our facial expressions say all there is to be said,they relay our thoughts and emotions without a word needing to be said....All along she smirked smiled and laughed ,it came across as *Banter* ,Wednesday we'd the *Serious* face ,imo more about herself than Corin,her *friend* who she let him tear to shreds on many occasions not telling him off then in a serious way,no we'd the *banter*.
for once I agree with Cockney Chick up there ^^^ Josie is making herself look very VERY stupid and a punch-bag in the making. She thinks the sun shines out of crab-eyes arse, she can see his faults but doesnt want to lose him. Guess WHAT Farmer Giles - ur dispensible - you wont see him for dust once he's done a few 'money shots' with u - stupid bitch
I don't think she does think the sun shines out of his arse as she sees his faults very clearly.  All the things she said to him when arguing with him are exactly what his worst critics on here think.

IMO She knows his faults only too well but likes the idea of having a pretty boy on her arm to impress her mates and the magazine deals.  Whether she really minds if he's a bullying coward towards other women is debatable.  My guess is she doesn't mind enough to jeopardise a relationship that is good for her ego. Like JJ, she too likes a good argument so she has a pretty boy and someone to argue with rolled into one.

I do wonder if she realises he sees her as a substitute mother and whether she even minds that his intentions are non-sexual.  I guess she hopes she can turn him round. 

Having said that, theirs wouldn't be the first sham relationship organised for a perceived mutual benefit.
Last edited by Carnelian
But Sam wasn't banging on about JJ1 being a woman hater like she was.
well lil ol sam likes to dish it out to women too.........going on and on at corin for days on end.......smugly saying in the d/r how he'd turn it around so she would feel bad for accusing him....knowing she was upset about her make up and wigs yet still continued to rifle through her stuff......he heard john james bitching about him......dramatically collapsed in tears sobbing how he thought john james was 'his friend in there,the only one he could trust'........yet he's back sucking up to him like nothings happened
TBH I think half the reason others never stand up to John James is because they know they'd all be on for a full on 24 hr or more continuous rant [even if they try to get away by hiding in the loo like his mummy does]  but if Josie has a pop at him he shouts back for far less time cos she uses the 'don't speak to me ever again John James' card... 

having said all that to then later in the day, not minutes after as the HL's would have you believe cos there was an hour where he ran off to the DR, yet again, to ask to leave... she's back with her bhoy again..

I hear that she sees both sides of him but to me he seems to be 10% ok and 90 % nasty.. if she is really enamoured of this person then I despair cos I'd judge my choice of other half not only on how they treat me but also how they treat others, cos as sure as eggs are eggs the way they treat others could well be the way they'd end up treating me too..

Hopefully once her lust for him wears off she'll see him for what he truly is and realise his nice side is teeny [like his willy ] in comparison to his nasty side.. he's a loser and a tosser with an potential Oedipus complex.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I don't think he would have got away with half of what he has been able to get away with if Nathan had been in there.  He would have got him told.
TBH LL one of Nathan's crimes on here was his swearing,yes he did swear but no more no less than Del Shannon(JJ),I do think if Nathan had  stayed things in there wouldn't have got so out of hand with Del's  bullying and abuse.
I do wonder if she realises he sees her as a substitute mother and whether she even minds that his intentions are non-sexual.  I guess she hopes she can turn him round.
he's a loser and a tosser with an potential Oedipus complex.
Interesting, he was saying last night that she doesn't kiss him properly and he questioned if shereally was sexually interested in him. They do v much behave like parent and child. She admonishes him when he behaves badly, 'sends him to his room' for a while and then they come together again and she gives him the message ' I still love you but sometimes I don't like your behaviour.' He seems attracted to her partly because she is 'different' to other, more overtly 'sexual' woman who he disapproves of.
Ref turning him around, I don't know anything of Josie's childhood or relationship background but I am sometimes concerned that she displays some of the characteristics of women who love too much ???
Ok, that's my little bit of psychoanalysis done for the day! 
I didn't particularly like Nathan or his swearing, but I do think that JJ would not have got away with it if Nathan had stayed.
LL, I didn't see much of the early weeks of BB so therefore not much of Nathan, I got the impression however, that he didn't do or say much apart from swear and cook? Would he have taken JJ on?

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