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I can fully understand that Super, but if JJ hadn't have been so out of order to her in the first place none of this would have happened. I know it's a lot further down the line now and the shoulda woulda couldas are academic, but I still say he would have twigged why her, of all people, was chosen to go in and massage him. Instead of ignoring it and not playing the game he put on his usual 'I dont give a f**k* fake bravado and was just as nasty back. He can't go round treating people like utter shit and think that he's always gonna get away with it. What goes around comes around!

JJ1 seems to have a terrible edit tonight, and Corin seems to have gotten away lightly.... it seems karma in a way, but it shows how people can be manipulated each and every night. Maybe if it had shown fairly and John James's behaviour towards Rachael, Sunshine and Corin on highlights he would have gone earlier.
So JJ1 has talked about Corin, slagged her off behind her back taken the micky out of her accent, called her a fake for weeks on end but she makes one comment and suddenly she's the bad guy!! Incredible!!!

As she said the other day she's had three rows in there, two of them in the first couple of weeks and yet people are still talking about them.  There aren't enough fingers and toes on this whole forum to keep track of JJ1 and his rows. 
Haven't they just? They have sucked the fun out of the whole thing
that's so true was unnecessary to let the Sam prank go on until it caused upset. It was also totally unnecessary to stoke up old rivalries and nastiness. The last week should be a celebratory week ....................I'm glad this is the last BB. This last task and all that involves has left it all on a very sour note.
Soozy Woo
So JJ1 has talked about Corin, slagged her off behind her back taken the micky out of her accent, called her a fake for weeks on end but she makes one comment and suddenly she's the bad guy!! Incredible!!!
The problem is the comment she made/relayed (and the most dangerous one) didn't actually happen. If you're gonna relay a story then stick to the truth and all the truth. Don't leave bits out, twist things or add things that didn't happen for extra spice. I'm not keen on Corin anytime of the day but I would say the same even if it was Mother Theresa who did it.
Well... we'll see how it's all portrayed on HLs tonight, but the impression I'm getting is that although Corin may have exaggerated things (perhaps innocently), she didn't exaggerate all that much... Josie has certainly "exaggerated" things on a number of occasions, often with significant effect (some of her comments during "crispgate" spring to mind), but I don't recall her ever being commented-on by BB in this way...

I don't think it takes either a genius or a conspiracy theorist to realise what's really going on, though: BB are fully aware that it was their own meddling and stirring that caused this whole mess, and they're desperately trying to deflect criticism...
Eugene's Lair
So JJ1 has talked about Corin, slagged her off behind her back taken the micky out of her accent, called her a fake for weeks on end but she makes one comment and suddenly she's the bad guy!! Incredible!!! As she said the other day she's had three rows in there, two of them in the first couple of weeks and yet people are still talking about them.  There aren't enough fingers and toes on this whole forum to keep track of JJ1 and his rows
BB are fully aware that it was their own meddling and stirring that caused this whole mess, and they're desperately trying to deflect criticism...
No doubt they're the catalyst and again, are trying to take any heat off themselves. John James has kinda got them by the nuts though cos if Nathan was stupid enough to smack him one the minute he gets outside the house, JJ1 could get mummy to get a top notch brief and sue the channel for not trying to prevent a pre-meditated assault that they were fully aware of while he was in their 'care'. (I think he should be under community care myself)

But I don't think the eyebrowed one is that daft
It was mindless and silly of Corin to make those comments...JJ1 has no sympathy from me whatsoever, but Corin should have kept schtum.
No she probably shouldn't have said what she said but I'm not sure I would have kept my mouth shut if I'd had him banging on at me for weeks. He really does have an issue with her and for the life of me I don't know why.

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