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Well done Josie. She stuck up for Corin when she was being picked on by JJ and Sam. She`s fuming mad at them. She called them bullies and she`s right. Josie`s gone way up in my estimation.
She told Fingermouse last night he sees Corin as weaker ,Josie would be saving herself a lot of misery of she gave him a wide berth,he's bad news imo.
JJ1 is now chairing a meeting of the Star Chamber (JJ2, Dave, Sam and Andrew) in the living room. He has gracefully informed them that they are welcome to disagree with his view of Corin but they will find out later that he was right, so it's best that they all agree with him
That is so about deluded
She told Fingermouse last night he sees Corin as weaker ,Josie would be saving herself a lot of misery of she gave him a wide berth,he's bad news imo.
Josie might be seeing the light now Lee. She`s not happy with him (or Sam) about what they did to Corin today. She`s looking at JJ with an expression I`ve never seen before. She`s seriously annoyed and possibly doubting him now. 
LF.. She`s telling him again he`s a bully for picking on Corin.
Can someone explain why John James keeps saying that Corins make-up is the obvious meaning of what Ugly to Nice meant..

.......does he not realise that it means personality and not looks.....even BB would never stoop low enough to refer to a HM on their looks....John James is convinced it was about Corin, so convinced that he's repeated himself about it being the 'obvious one' at least 5 times in one sentence........
The Devil In Diamante
I'm sick of hearing him slag Corin off now....

John James reckons there was no point in going round the group asking what they could go without then getting to Corin and her saying she wouldn't give up her make-up, that's why he went to her first!!!

He is trying to make out Corin in particular wouldn't  play along and is really ripping into her.

Josie told John James to get his head out of Sams arse, also that Sam is only behaving the way he is towards Corin because of John James. John James agreed but said that he can't be responsible for Sams actions and attitude to Corin....

I'm sick to death of hearing John James now, he so f*****g boring and predictable. I do hope one of the predictions is that John James will try to blame failing the task on Corin before it's even begun,
The Devil In Diamante
Why does that creepy weaselly crab eyed git always turn on the same person over and over? His opinion is like his bumole, we know he's got one, but who the buggarry bollox wants to see it?
He's now trying to say Corin kept coming back for more...trying to justify his actions.....I hate him......he's saying he & Sam stopped and Corin continued...and why shouldn't she...they are picking on her all the time and she wanted to hit back, what are you meant to do? Just let someone pick on you and say nothing..........odious t**t!
The Devil In Diamante
I'm fed up with that vain-glorious bastard JJ1 sticking the knife in to any woman whose appearance is an issue, when he is the most style conscious numpty in there. He had a fit over wearing a wedding dress for a task, always has that wooly piece of crap on his head (even when the temperatures were hitting 34 degrees), dies his hair, wears guy liner and uses ÂĢ100 moisturizer.
From the minute he picked on Rachael for wanting mag deals coz of the way she looked I've had to listen to the Word according to JJ1 about how women should be and look. He says he fancies Sophie from last year, if she isn't the image of fake boobed, hair extentioned living Barbie Doll, then I don't know what is!
He needs to get out of the house, watch himself back, reflect on his neurosis for a few months and join the real world again.

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