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agree Dame,I heard he speak to Dave about how she regretted not having kids with her husband,a few other little things but nothing that could be misconstrued as her milking it in anyway....Given what life has thrown at her I doubt anyone could blame her for being determined, but her determination to do or achieve things aren't done deviously imo.

Absolutely Lee, they all have their faults, but give me Corin's any day compared to most of the rest, and hopefully she's enjoyed what she set out to do with her BB experience 
me too Kaytee, but if she doesn't and beats JJ and Dave that will restore my faith in fairness
If she only beats those two, it will be a bonus Dame, but it still leaves the other morons free to win. I would rather Steve got it than the rest of them, but he would be as bad an HM in UBB than he has been in this one
Corin was just being corin - she is the sort to love being with celebs as she thinks  - not the Z listers that are actually going in but she doesn't know that
who do you think she thinks is going in then Ros?

she knows they are ex housemates...   and the ones that seem to be going in are (unfortunately) the most famous (yeah.. for all the wrong reasons)..
ho do you think she thinks is going in then Ros?
i think she thinks it is peeps from CBB rather than BB - but i also think from ,what i have picked up about her ,she would be star struck in  a nice way even with  ex BB HM'S  - it  could hav e been a spur of the moment throw away comment - i do them sometimes  BUTi do think Corin is not fake - just determined
Rocking Ros Rose
Lee, you said that she wasn't part of a fauxmance. I said  that was only because JJ2 wasn't interested. I think that if he had shown any interest she would have gone for it , you may, of course, disagree!
And if he had been interested,2 interested parties do not a fauxmance make....She was,he wasn't end of story, no faumance for the airtime or to curry favour.
i think she thinks it is peeps from CBB rather than BB - but i also think from ,what i have picked up about her ,she would be star struck in  a nice way even with  ex BB HM'S  - it  could hav e been a spur of the moment throw away comment - i do them sometimes  BUTi do think Corin is not fake - just determined
TB H Ros I don't think it's even the *celebs* which would be the draw for her....She's said time and time again she's loved every day in that house,I think it's the 2 extra weeks in there no matter who it's with...If they were to be told 2 extra weeks with just the remaining  HM she'd be up for it.

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