BG: Hello Prom. Is there anything you'd like to talk to BigGaga about?
P: Yes, but it's all a pile of crap and what is the point! No-one cares a rip about what I think anyway! I'm not here to win BigGaga because I have beach-houses full of wonga anyway!
BG: Is there anyone in the forum you think might like to talk to about this Prom?
P: No! Because they're all a bunch of fakers and they're only in it for the fame after, but I do miss my mates!
I don't give a rip ffs!
BG: Are you sure you want to walk Prom?
P: Yes... erm.... no... erm....
BG: BG suggests you sleep on it and come and whine tomorrow. Goodnight Prom. The Quit Button is wherever it is on your screen.