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2. You are without a doubt a woman hating prick
I watched him on LF lastnight, he did'nt speak while a woman was in the room just sat with his head down, as soon as they left he was bigging it up..horrible man, I feel so sorry for his wife and I hope she has taken her new free time to see what a horrible pr*ck he is....
I feel so sorry for his wife and I hope she has taken her new free time to see what a horrible pr*ck he is....
Morning Stonks   you're too kind, please don't feel sorry for her, I've seen her on BBLB and she comes accross as mad as him(Born again stuff) - slagging off Mario for nomming her Dave and overall being a mardy arse.
Morning Stonks you're too kind, please don't feel sorry for her, I've seen her on BBLB and she comes accross as mad as him(Born again stuff) - slagging off Mario for nomming her Dave and overall being a mardy arse.
Afternoon FF....I've seen a totally normal bloke be brainwashed by these type of people, so I'd like to know who brainwashed who in that relationship....

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