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He wasn't trying to be malicious,his reasons were based on what he KNEW when he went in,that being Josie is a fave and would/could have ultimately been there any way.
I didn't say it was malicious. But it wasn't his choice to make, he got one vote not all of them. If they wanted to waste their votes on Josie why is it his business? Also what he knew upon entering the house could have changed dramatically for all he knew.
i think i agree with Lee.  I am seriously under the impression that sam was sure that josie would get to the final anyway, but then again he didnt mind that people wanted to give their vote to her either. i think he was sincere, coz i believe he genuinely does like josie a lot.  he teases her but theres no hatred in it. so on this occasion, i'd stick up for sam here.
No!  A definite no.
For me he's made an already dull series even duller.
His (so-called) pranks are extremely immature and not even funny.
His droney 2-tone voice with its camp inflections gets on my nerve.
His droopy bottom lip gormless look only adds to my annoyance. His mouth is forever sagging open.
A resounding NO from me.
Reference: Brisket
No! A definite no. For me  he's made an already dull series even duller. His (so-called) pranks are extremely immature and not even funny. His droney 2-tone voice with its camp inflections gets on my nerve. His droopy bottom lip gormless look only adds to my annoyance. His mouth is forever sagging open. A resounding NO from me.
ohhhh Briskets you are hash. Best I don't labour on about Mario's pigeon toed gait, or translantic drawl then.  Seriously, each to their own, but I have had more entertainment *& genuine laughs from Sam in two weeks than the whole of Marios time in the house.
But it wasn't his choice to make, he got one vote not all of them. If they wanted to waste their votes on Josie why is it his business?
I kinda agree with you, but, BB didn't say it had to be done by a vote, they could have done it by discussion had that not been suggested, by Andrew I think it was? Also, when they decided on the three hms to bring in there was q a bit of discussion, and a re-vote, so I guess that was q similar
Also what he knew upon entering the house could have changed dramatically for all he knew.
Which is maybe why, having reflected, he said that they should go with Josie, just in case

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