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Supercalifragilistic offline 8,569 Forum Posts Today at 11:58 AM Last Edited: Anyone notice that Josie, on hl last night, in the DR, said that she hated John J....maybe she just uses the words love and hate a bit too losely....or maybe there's something in the theory that the apparent extremes of love and hate, when placed on a circle diagram, are actually right next to each other?
Reference: lee
Spongee she was DEFENDING JJ,yes defending him....She thinks it's ok because he'd have said it to Sams face,she told Sam he'd say it to your face how does that make it acceptable?....I think if it had been me I'd have stepped in when JJ was going at Sam,BB did they called him to the DR for being aggressive,her actions last night were indefensible imo,JJ's were too but she ended up fawning over him and agreeing with him.
sam has called josie all the names under the sun...........fat slag,miss should be illegal for you to wear a bikini.......he's pulled the quilt off her......followed her around being as annoying as possible.........she wanted john james to defend her and he didn't.......she dealt with it on her own........i'd be peed off if someone close to me didn't defend me whilst i was being ripped to he has defended her she (as i would be) is pleased about it

i can't see it's indefensible for her to be pleased (for want of a better word)that someone whose had a go at her,insulted her and done his best to wind her up gets his one can go around behaving as sam as done and expect people to just sit there and just take just doesn't work like that

sam is either incredibly stupid....or big headed if he didn't think his behaviour would come back to haunt him in the house
Reference: spongey
i can't see it's indefensible for her to be pleased (for want of a better word)that someone whose had a go at her,insulted her and done his best to wind her up gets his one can go around behaving as sam as done and expect people to just sit there and just take just doesn't work like that
And she wasn't even pleased about it.

She told John James to leave it, as she didn't want to see Sam upset like that. She defended him, despite how he has treated her, but also agreed that some of his behaviour was deliberately annoying and could be looking for airtime.
(quotes not working)

I agree that Sam is now getting a taste of his own medicine.  I did feel slightly sorry for him last night but he sat listening and laughing about it, attacked Johnny upset the whole house and then fell asleep.   As much as it pains me to say this I think everything Johnny said was right.  Sam followed Josie around and was asked to leave but wouldn't.  
Johnny would have said everything to his face unlike Dave & JJ and I am beginning to think that Johnny speaks a lot of truth albeit in an aggressive manner.   He has always stood up for Sam and went so far as to row with Josie over it.

I also can't understand why Dave & JJ got off so lightly.
Reference: LL
Just read elsewhere that what started it was that Sam went to comfort Josie who was upset after an argument with JJ1? Is this true and what was the row about?
I didn't see it, but, from what I can gather, they were talking about things Laura told them about the outside world, when she came in. Josie said that she had told her stuff that John James had said about her in the diary room. John James wanted to know what she said and Josie didn't want to say.

Eventually she told him that it was about him saying that he didn't see her 'like that', which he denied he'd ever said (liar). He then said something about wanting to leave the house three times and Josie got a bit sad that he wanted to leave when he found out that she fancied him.

She went to the bedroom and Sam asked John James what the tiff was all about. John James refused to tell him and Sam wanted to go to the bedroom to see if she was OK (ask her what it was about). John James got annoyed that Sam was interfering, being nosey, and told him to leave her alone. Sam went in. John James went in and told Sam to leave. Sam didn't leave. John james got cross and lifted Sam out of the room.

Josie and John James had their discussion.

later, John james had the shower and shouted about why he was annoyed with Sam and it was all heard.

Disclaimer: This is all from what I've read, or gathered from their conversations. I may have got the order, or jist of it wrong.
an add on to my last post up there............i'm going to use jo as an jo is 41 and a self confessed 'cougar' if john james had said to her..'you're an old slag jo'.....then laughed.........would this forum be awash with 'john james is hilarious calling jo that' posts?'d be ripped to shreds.........yet sam is liked for makes no sense to me
yet sam is liked for makes no sense to me
It makes no sense to me either Spongey! And I like him!

I took an instant liking to Sam from the moment he walked in. I couldn't help myself..... but it was more to do with how he spoke, his voice, his mannerisms, I just find him totally charming! Having said that, I disagreed totally with how he treated Josie and would never defend the rude comments he has made to her and to others. (And I do believe that last night he was reaping what he'd sowed to some extent.)

I have no issues with people liking Sam for Sam, (I want him to come in the top three.....cos I lubbs him )  but I do despair when I read comments cheering him on soley for the fact he winds people up, makes personal comments etc.  I just don't get it?

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