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Just sat through BBLB.  Apart from the fact they are slagging Corin off at every possible moment this evening, as they obviously see her as a threat to JJ1 and Josie, they had "so called" members of the DS forum on there.  They did themselves no favours whatsoever.  Didn't put our "case" over about biased editing, bigging up their favourites or ANYTHING really.  What a waste of time (in my humble opinion)

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Nah they were right, she nominated a bloody whinge bag who's moaned on and on about wanting to leave, hang her I say 

If Jo stayed in tomorrow, which is highly unlikely, you would have seen JJ starting to get pig sick of her too. He liked Mario, Steve, Sunshine, and Ben for a couple of weeks, then he blasted them at every opportunity.
If Jo stayed in tomorrow, which is highly unlikely, you would have seen JJ starting to get pig sick of her too. He liked Mario, Steve, Sunshine, and Ben for a couple of weeks, then he blasted them at every opportunity.
Just the sort of comment that BBLB should be aware of.  However they would not want to hear it from our forum because we don't just accept what "they" say!!!  It would not fit in their their plans.
Just the sort of comment that BBLB should be aware of.  However they would not want to hear it from our forum because we don't just accept what "they" say!!!  It would not fit in their their plans.

Joyron, it doesn't matter what BBLB says, however much they push a winner, they've never got it right yet, I take heart they have always got it wrong

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