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He has to pick someone. All this talk of promises wasn't a promise at all ..............he simply said last week that he'd give the newbies a chance. He explained this week that it didn't really work out .............there were no promises!A week is a very long time in that house ..............friendships and allegiances change all the time - it's always been like that hasn't it?

I really don't see him as sly.
Soozy Woo
[Prometheus] Prometheus: He put Sam up because he sees him as a threat. He wouldn't put JJ or Josie up to their face because he knows that would guarantee two noms for him next week. He is desperate to win, more so even than Kangaroo Boy.
I think he put Sam up because he doesn't see him as a threat - in terms of eviction, anyway......Mario might think that because Sam has stirred the house up and thrown insults around, that he will be a sure bet for elimination.

I suspect Mario knows that John James has nommed him before, he nommed him to his face yesterday and Josie was witness to that, so he will probably pick up her vote next week anyway now!
I like him because he seems to be less nasty than most of the others. Promises mean nothing in Big Brother especially at this stage. They all have their eyes on the winning post. They will lie and bluff and deceive to get there. All of 'em! The rules of normal life don't apply in the Big Brother house.
As a Ben fan im shocked to see you say that, he nominated Ben WRONGLY.  YES he had to pick someone but he said only last week that he wouldn't pick a newbie, he should have picked Steve if he was being true to himself as Steve was meant to be one of his choices last week.
As a Ben fan im shocked to see you say that, he nominated Ben WRONGLY. YES he had to pick someone but he said only last week that he wouldn't pick a newbie, he should have picked Steve if he was being true to himself as Steve was meant to be one of his choices last week.
except for the fact that he promised Steve he wouldn't choose him again after making last week's decision.
So in a way he was being true....but he's stupid for making these promises because if you promise that much you'll end up breaking them.
except for the fact that he promised Steve he wouldn't choose him again after making last week's decision. So in a way he was being true....but he's stupid for making these promises because if you promise that much you'll end up breaking them.
I dont understand Mario's thinking then, why does he say these things, what is his process of selection because it's nothing i've ever seen before.
what was very telling for me was the way Mario felt the need to go and report back to crab-eyes first before explaining to Sam why he swapped him.  I think Mario is 2nd in line to the most desperate 'throne' - currently held by 'couldnt give a fack, and the public can fack themselves' crab-eyes.  Crab-eyes IS the most desperate in there to win, Mario MIGHT have been, but ol 'couldnt give a shit' crab-eyes is VERY desperate indeed
[brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole)]: Actually I thought it was John James who followed Mario - probably to try and rile him and upset him. But Mario did not rise to the bait. He could see what John James was doing this time.
Yep, there was no reporting back by Mario to John James, the Aussie did it last week after S&R too, hounded him for ages and analysed his decision by talking at him, and tried to do the same again this week by the looks of things.

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