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Housemates started their transformation into 'horse-mates' this afternoon after receiving their costumes.

The four pantomime horses consisting of Sam and Corin, JJ and John James, Josie and Jo, and Andrew and Mario were each called to the Diary Room as a pair to receive their outfits.

"They’re really not synchronised… what’s the camel look about?" Sam commented, as JJ and John James returned to the living room in their costume for 'JJ Lightning'.

"I wanted to be white… a white knight," JJ said of his costume.

However, while the other horse costumes were coloured different shades of brown, Sam and Corin were surprised to find a bright pink unicorn for their team.

"Can you believe it? Look at the eyelashes and everything - oh my God," Corin said. "We’re definitely going to win this task now, as long as you look the part it gives you inspiration, doesn’t it?"

'Horse trainers' David and Steve were the last to be called to the Diary Room, where they received further instructions about the task.

"Trainers are encouraged to give horses sugar lumps when they do well," Steve read out. "Trainers should take horses individually to the foal hole to be groomed."

"I wonder if personal grooming is like putting body butter on them or something or just brushing their coats," David commented.

The trainers also learned that as horses are eliminated, they should take them to 'Pastures New' and help the housemates change into their new costumes

Soon after David and Steve left the Diary Room, the pair began their first task - parading the horses around the house to get to used to every room.

"Less like a camel with every step," David said as he watched the four pantomime horses.

"I knew I'd done right with these - pedigree, I knew I’d done well with these horses," Steve joked.

Steve and David then took each horse around the garden, beginning with 'Colzac the Butcher' - aka Mario and Andrew.

"Colzac the Butcher is not going away easily, that's for sure. He's a stallion that can't be tamed, crush all the other horses under his hoof," Mario said before they left for the garden.

After some 'trotting' in the garden, Colzac had his first grooming session in the 'foal hole'.

"Had never been castrated, never been weathered," David joked. "I think I see a bit of a tick infestation."

"Large ringworm injection under the tail," Steve quipped, as Mario shook Colzac's head.

David and Steve then left Colzac in the foal hole and took JJ Lightning around the garden. David slapped the horse costume's bum as John James tried to kick him back.

"This one won't get a rosette, will he?" David joked.

The pair then pitted Lightning and Colzac the Butcher against one another in 'Hoofing Around' - a horse version of the game Twister. JJ Lightning was soon announced the winner, leading the horse to jump up and down in excitement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's crap and it was rained off earlier.Boring task.Time they got a really uncomfortable one.Gunged,fish guts etc, to last a few days..Trouble is this lot would wimp out of it.Pathetic bunch.

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