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Reference Prometheus Today at 00:22:
the whole comparing a HM to Myra Hindley did it for me. I didn't see that one. What was that all about?
Davina thought it was funny to compare Sunshine in a blonde wig to Myra Hindley...
Although probably the worst example, it's not by any means the only BBBM "joke" this series that's both unfunny and in bad taste: heck, it's easier to list those that aren't... A few weeks ago, they had Davina torturing Caoimhe for walking...
Eugene's Lair
We see a different side of Davina when she is on BBBM the trash that comes out of her mouth, she  kept commenting about Corin and JJ2 under the duvet encouraging the guests and audience to have their say,herself and the guests were saying yes it did happen then she would say to cover herself we are not 100% sure but at the same time basically saying it did happen she also said Corin had a GF,JJ and Josie got it as well basically saying have they got any more to give the viewers etc in my opinion she/they dont want any of these three to win,I was more surprised  she said this about Corin the odds on favourite to win,I think the tide has turned and have a horrible feeling they now want Dave to win  so much for being unbiased.
We see a different side of Davina when she is on BBBM the trash that comes out of her mouth, she kept commenting about Corin and JJ2 under the duvet encouraging the guests and audience to have their say,herself and the guests were saying yes it did happen then she would say to cover herself we are not 100% sure but at the same time basically saying it did happen she also said Corin had a GF,JJ and Josie got it as well basically saying have they got any more to give the viewers etc in my opinion she/they dont want any of these three to win,I was more surprised she said this about Corin the odds on favourite to win,I think the tide has turned and have a horrible feeling they now want Dave to win so much for being unbiased.
I agree with all of that Marge. I'm like Prom, I only turn it on to see the HM, but I usually just switch off.
cologne 1
Reference: We see a different side of Davina when she is on BBBM the trash that comes out of her mouth, she kept commenting about Corin and JJ2 under the duvet encouraging the guests and audience to have their say,herself and the guests were saying yes it did happen then she would say to cover herself we are not 100% sure but at the same time basically saying it did happen she also said Corin had a GF,JJ and Josie got it as well basically saying have they got any more to give the viewers etc in my opinion she/they dont want any of these three to win,I was more surprised she said this about Corin the odds on favourite to win,I think the tide has turned and have a horrible feeling they now want Dave to win so much for being unbiased. I agree with all of that Marge. I'm like Prom, I only turn it on to see the HM, but I usually just switch off.
I agree with most of that but think they now want Sam to win. They were totally trashing J.J, Josie and Corin. I fully expect them to bring on Corin's (ex?) girlfriend just at the time it will do her most damage! I am just praying she doesn't want to get involved and that JJ2 is evicted early and confirms that nothing happened. personally I don't think it did. If a girl you've never even kissed before grabs your bits you react with shock (its happened to me). JJ2 showed no reaction!
Reference Fairfax Today at 13:42:
I liked it last week and also last night.  Mind you last week was the first time in years (wanted to see Ben)
This is the problem, though - it can be a very mixed bag. I only watch it for the interviews - partly because the "official" eviction interviews have often been very poor this year. Some of the BBBM evictee appearances have been pretty good: Ben's last week was a particular case in point, and I woudn't really call myself a fan. 
Unfortunately in order to get to the interviews, you have to put up with a lot of bad taste "jokes" and Davina's mugging. Last week, we had to put up with Jedward behaving like a couple of bored toddlers...
Eugene's Lair
Unfortunately in order to get to the interviews, you have to put up with a lot of bad taste "jokes" and Davina's mugging. Last week, we had to put up with Jedward behaving like a couple of bored toddlers
I know. I can tolerate Davina sometimes and loved her on Who do you think you are, however her attempts at getting down "wiv da peeps" is just toe curling and smacks of desperation. I hate her behaviour on BBBM, all that suggestive gyrating and smutty talk...not good at all.

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