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Thankyou RiverRock, so without knowing me you've judged me very harshly.

I take it you dont like Sam?   When are people going to learn the nicey nice people on BB are bloody boring and ruin the show, you have to separate those you like as HM's to those you would like as friends.

Josie is boring and nasty, ditto with the JJ's and now who should win then?

I want entertainment on this programme.
When are people going to learn the nicey nice people on BB are bloody boring and ruin the show, you have to separate those you like as HM's to those you would like as friends.

You've confused me now, Corin let herself down by having a row, and you don't want nicey nice people to win it. So she let her self down by having a row, so you prefer her to be nice and not have a row 
You've confused me now, Corin let herself down by having a row, and you don't want nicey nice people to win it. So she let her self down by having a row, so you prefer her to be nice and not have a row
Corin let herself down by joining the pack mentality against Sam when she must have known he was right.   Corin just gave out all the tokens because she was terrified of being nominated next week by angry Josie and her gang.     I hate pack mentality.
Corin let herself down by joining the pack mentality against Sam when she must have known he was right.   Corin just gave out all the tokens because she was terrified of being nominated next week by angry Josie and her gang.     I hate pack mentality.

Corins gave tokens to everyone, and Corin and Mario are the only  who's not been ganging upon Sam. Sam, JJ2, JJ are all sitting with unused  tokens and JJ 1 & 2 gave some to Josie today for her to use in the smoking area., if they have unused tokens why not hand them back for the smokers to us. Sam said she wasn't a team player, if anyone gets stuck into tasks it's Corin, whatever iot is, she doesn't know she's got to keep 26 tokens.

Apart from that, if a litle sh*t like Sam can rib someone about personal stuff, he deserves all he gets. That's coming from someone who doesn't even like Jopsie, but I do feel sorry for the ribbing she's having to take off him about her weight.
i think corin just snapped and i dont think she was aiming her outburst at just sam, before it happened jj1 and the monk were agreeing with all sam was saying about tokens, they didnt have the bottle to say anything to corin and let sam do it. corin knew what was going on shes not stupid. she was letting them know she wont be walked over by jj1 and the monk as well as sam.
I still think it's a sad world and a sad society, when 'nice' people are classed as 'boring,' and the horrid bullies are classed as entertaining. Very worrying.
In the context of this show nice is dull...Rachel from BB9 would be a wonderful friend BUT as a HM she was shit, not one entertaining moment came from her, the same with Cameron.  Sam isn't a bully, JOSIE has been just as nasty to him if not worse.
Rachel from BB9 would be a wonderful friend BUT as a HM she was shit, not one entertaining moment came from her
To each their own, personally I loved her and really enjoyed her low key eccentricity and confrontation of some of the nastier elements in the house. She totally owned Bex and Jen for example! Early on she was one of the few to challenge the scary Alexandra, which won her loads of respect from me!
Truthfully I wasn't a fan of Rachel but she could teach Josie some manners regading behaviour. Rex goaded her every day and she treated him with the dignified contempt he deserved. Joise on the other hand, who has bad mouthed Sam & therefore should accept some retribution from him, roars at the top of her lungs & involves everyone in her arguments.
Reference: fairfax
Truthfully I wasn't a fan of Rachel but she could teach Josie some manners regading behaviour. Rex goaded her every day and she treated him with the dignified contempt he deserved. Joise on the other hand, who has bad mouthed Sam & therefore should accept some retribution from him, roars at the top of her lungs & involves everyone in her arguments.
I liked Rachel and I like Josie.

Rachel tried to ignore Rex's goading, but did have the odd cry about it.

Josie retaliates, but is also upset by it.

Both of them have dealt with tossers, in their own way, but I wouldn't say which one was the best way, as they have completely different personalities.
I want entertainment on this programme.
It depends what one's idea of entertainment is.

I don't find trouble-makers, or plain nastiness, rudeness, entertaining in the slightest degree.
I think the unpleasant housemates rapidly become predictable and boring.
As for Sam, he's ruining it for me.
The gormless look, the camp-inflections in his voice. The lack of the letter T, "muvva" instead of "mother", full of glottal stops. All done pretty much with a monotonous drone.
What appears to amuse and entertain Sam, certainly doesn't amuse and entertain me.

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