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Would he have said if she didn't have a free pass to the final? I doubt it.
It sounds like jealousy and sour grapes to me because he didn't get the free pass..

Mario has this awful sense of entitlement that I can't stand in him. I agree with what you say about not putting her up when he had the chance..Shows how much of a player he is.
Senora Reyes
No. Mario probably would not have said it unless Josie had  a pass to the final.
But if he means that as a housemate she is seen as being on a slightly different level from the rest of 'em, then I agree with him.
I think Josie does now have an 'edge' over other housemates which we don't usually see at this stage of BB. She still has to watch her Ps and Qs of course, but she has that emotional relaxant which tells her she is certain to be there on the last night, while the others are still in the throes of competing and do not have that same reassurance.
I do get a sense that she is being treated somewhat differently than previously.
To the extent that the dynamics of the house have been changed by Josie being in the final, then obviously he is right. Of course they have. It's inevitable.
Videostar offline 7675 Forum Posts Today at 1:58 AM He just said what I believe most of us are thinking. That the HM's treat Josie like shes gods gift to bigbrother...never a truer word spoken. Why didn't you put her up for eviction in two S&R task tho.? But he's gone up in my favoured HM's after that
I agree with him there, but Mario has had ample opportunity to put her up especially in the S&R task if he thought like that.

I don't think they should've put her into the final as she would've been there anyway, a bit of a wasted opportunity for someone else.  I know they only had a minute, which was not long enough, but I guess this is what BB wanted.
It has finally dawned on Mario who the real competition is in there and that there's absolutely zero chance of him winning, no matter how many times he's flashed his bits n bobs. Sour grapes imo. Boy, I bet he wishes he could turn the clocks back on his S+Rs.
And all this 'I have a secret, he knows, she knows but you don't.' What's all that about?
I don't think they should've put her into the final as she would've been there anyway, a bit of a wasted opportunity for someone else
How could they know that for sure 'though??? She's never been up for eviction, never been subject to the 'public test.' If it had been a vote to save this week, as many would have assumed would happen, how could they know for sure that the public would have saved her? Even Sam Pepper wasn't totally confident of that, which is why he said, in the end, that they should give it to her, just in case
I'm still liking Mario. He has done well.
If somebody is given a direct passage to the final night - obviously the dynamics of the house are changed. Instantly. Thoughts and behavious are likely to change towards that person, as are that person's thoughts and behaviour.
It's just a change in the dynamics that's all. Predictably obvious really.
I think Josie does now have an 'edge' over other housemates which we don't usually see at this stage of BB. She still has to watch her Ps and Qs of course, but she has that emotional relaxant which tells her she is certain to be there on the last night,
That's true ..............somehow though I can't help feeling it's a bit of a poisoned chalice. Jealousy is a dreadful thing and I can somehow see it working against her.
Soozy Woo

Sour grapes from Mario as usual. Josie practically begged Rachel to put her up that week she left if Rach won the task because she wanted to be up and was on a downer that time but Rachel was like too many girls have gone.. Mario won the task and then he was like oh I can't put Josie up because we were in lockdown together. This free pass would have had lots of moaning whoever got it.

Mario sucks up to Josie to her face and same like John James but hasn't got the guts to say what he really thinks to their faces.. I know he thinks the world of Corin in there but Mario is desperate to win and I think he would even try to get rid of her as competition had he ever known how popular she is outside because he only knew about Josie and John James from the newbies.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Mario owns the BB7 chair remember, maybe he thought that given him some right to be loved by the producers.

Tbh the producers aren't favouring any particular housemates IMO, they are looking after number 1 and couldn't really care less about who wins as long as they get their big fancy pay cheque.

Also last night Mario and Corin were whinging that John James and co spent ages talking about who's going to win or make it to the final etc or about that task board then they did the exact same thing in the Snug after with Andrew.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Strange how a "thank you Mario"  thread turns into a "criticise Mario" thread.
At this stage they all want to be rid of their biggest competition.
Not sure that it is wise to always tell people what you really think about them. Don't think you'd last long in the house doing that.
However    chin up!  I remain a Mario fan.
Also last night Mario and Corin were whinging that John James and co spent ages talking about who's going to win or make it to the final etc or about that task board then they did the exact same thing in the Snug after with Andrew
They were mainly talking about the task, not about the end game. Mario mentioned it in connection to Josie, that was it.

Nice to see you back darlo. What was wrong? Don't answer if you don't want.  
cologne 1
Reference: Cologne
I feel that way a bit FF, but I have to say, I'd rather want him, Corin and Steve there next Tuesday, rather than any of the others.
Cologne and Baz..I agree. I would love for Corin, Steve and yes, I'll admit it, Mario to get to the end. That would be the only fitting final for me. I think I'll need valium if John James or Dave make it to next Tue.

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