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Rate my Mates task another deliberate plan to set housemates against each other.
And it has worked.
John James says he "doesn't give a f***". (He said this after going on and on at great length which proves he actually does care.)
I think Dave was quite high in the "trust" category.    Wrong.
Josie was most "entertaining".   Wrong.
John James thinks Sam is "hands down the most entertaining."   Wrong.

John James thinks Sam is not "attention seeking". Wrong. John James talksa nonsense.
Oh to see ourselves as others see us. eh?
Making paranoid people even more paranoid.

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I wonder why John James keeps saying "I'm not going to lie about that?"
Of course what they are not realising is that they are judging themselves based on their interraction in the house - which is not natural.
What they don't seem to realise is that (subject to editing) the viewers will see things differently.
For example we will see Dave's fakeness and lying; in the house they think he is trustworthy.
Laughable isn't it?
What a deluded lot.
It is noticeable over the last few days that Joe-John the boxer dislikes Mario a lot.
I wonder why nearly all these people keep saying "I don't care".
They actually - stupidly - also say "I don't care what the public think."
John James has just said "It is irrelevant what the public think."

If that is the case why enter Big Brother to show off in front of the public week after week.?
Also, have they conveniently ignored the fact that the public have the ability to vote them out of the house? It does matter what the public think.

They are now going roung in circles.  They are repeating the same stuff for the umpteenth time.
(At least John James is.)
I've had the news channel on for the last hour.
I switch back to check.
Unbelievably they are still going on about the task.
*I would have put ______as most entertaining"   "Most desperate is ______"
They are unbelievably up themselves. (Or should that be unbelievably anxious?)
Andrew, Corin and Mario are in the Nest and discussing something completely different.

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