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AT least there is one positive side to this whole debacle. Even maxing out their mobile allowance won't save J.J now, not with four to go!  I expect desperate attempts to convince Sam, and Corin fans to put aside their differences and vote the bores out, in fact I've already seen posts to this effect on D.S. The problem is with the underhanded tactics a small number of them have been using, no-one will trust them!
They need to refund everyone, reset the votes and start again.

It's a totally different ballgame now that we know there's 4 going.

With just 1 or 2 going I was quite happy to vote for just Crab eyes to save Sam.

Now I've given up on the hope of saving Sam
and I just want to get rid of the deadwood like Steve, JJ2, Andrew & Dave instead.
This should have been made clear to the fans last night . 
"CAN you please give information on how to get a refund?? i spent ÂĢ10 voting out steve last night, davina did not mention anything about a quadruple eviction. sorry but you cant do this BB. i spent that money in the hope it would save sam, which it clearly wont now"

"BB spent to much time pursuing Hunchback and Esmeralda to get in on.
He aint interested apart from MONEY deals.
Who the hell retires at 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Romance equals money."

" leave john james in if he goes wot will he do without josie awwwwwwwww"
People are complaining that it's a fix, saying that they wouldn't have voted for X in order to save Y if they knew it was 4 to go on Friday.  I think the reality is very few people will have actually voted yet.  Anyone with any knowledge of BB will know never to vote until eviction day in case a housemate walks during the week or eviction is cancelled for some other reason.
Now folk can say well I'm a mum,granny etc and I like him etc.However the majority of BB fans for so called "fit" guys are young girls.
I'm a mum....not a granny etc......

If there is such a huge tweenie population voting on this show, how come whenever there was an age poll on the big brother forum of old, the people over 40 were in the majority? The official forum couldn't have been that out of touch with the average viewer surely? We more often than not got the eviction prediction right and I refuse to believe the voting public has changed that much in the last two years.

Of course the young girls are going to favour the "fit" guys, just as the young lads favour the "fit" girls (Darlo.... I'm taking about you )........ it doesn't mean they have a large say in how the voting goes however. There just aren't enough of them!

JJ1 MUST have/have had lots and lots of fans of different age groups to have lasted so long in that house.
I believe there already have been a number of complaints to Ofcom, on the grounds that the phonelines were open for 12 hours or so before it was announced that four HMs would be evicted...
Just for once, I agree with people being cheesed off. Spider says don't vote until the latter part of the week, but there must be quite a few people who will pick up the 'phone the minute the lines are open and they've been voting under false pretences through no fault of their own.
cologne 1
Reference cologne Today at 00:16:
 Just for once, I agree with people being cheesed off. Spider says don't vote until the latter part of the week, but there must be quite a few people who will pick up the 'phone the minute the lines are open and they've been voting under false pretences through no fault of their own.
On principle, I agree too, but:
1) I'm not certain this is an Ofcom matter, and
2) BB has form on this: IIRC, the phone lines were open for a day on the final BB7 eviction before it was announced that it was actually a double eviction (with Mikey and Susie eventually going). There were suggestions at the time that BB changed their mind after the lines opened to guarantee that Susie went before the final.
Eugene's Lair
Personally I really don't see how it's voting under false pretences. We are voting to EVICT ...........therefore the four with the most votes will go. Remember VOTING TO EVICT ....................if people choose to vote tactically that is their prerogative - can't see a complaint to OFCOM will hold much water TBH ............we have been given the option to vote for who we want to evict.............I agree it should have been a vote to save but it isn't. Whether it's 4,5 or even 6 on Friday - it really shouldn't make a difference IMO.
Soozy Woo
Ducky read the comments about JJ1/Josie on the official site,they are mainly text speak etc.A lot of die hard fans of the show,no longer vote.The voting demograph has changed drastically in the last few years.
Spot on.  I haven't voted since BB7 when they put the horrible nikki back in the house.  Just look at who the sponsor is this year - Freederm.  Who is concerned with spots?  Teenage girls.
Read the comments on CH4 website they are almost crying.  Crabster and Sam both going.  OMG this is too funny.  They can't really complain though, they've had the entire series their own way.  Let the rest of us have these last few days.
Tweenies are a myth.

Looking at the Sam, JJ and JJ&J threads on Digital Spy it's the same FM's that raved over the alleged The Amigo's last year. So yeah; 2 out of 3 gone before the finale would be great! PMSL
Cold Sweat
Ducky read the comments about JJ1/Josie on the official site,they are mainly text speak etc.A lot of die hard fans of the show,no longer vote.The voting demograph has changed drastically in the last few years.
I have. There are some comments supporting JJ/Josie on there that are not text speak too.

I'm not denying there are young girls that like JJ1, only that they aren't enough to swing the vote. On C4 you only get a snap shot, and a biased one at that, because there are many many BB fans who don't bother getting caught up in the tit for tat crap that goes on in the comments section on C4 In other words,  maturer fans don't all you see are mainly the fabled Tweenies. It doesn't mean they are the majority though.
....................if people choose to vote tactically that is their prerogative
I agree with Soozy, if I vote, it's only ever for who I want to evict, I don't believe in tactical voting, I don't actually believe it works.        In the main, people vote for the people who stir up the most emotion (dislike!) in them imo.   That's why so many fly under the radar until the end.
if people choose to vote tactically that is their prerogative
I only vote on finals night and then I do vote tactically. It may not make much of a difference to the outcome, but I derive some satisfaction from it. Sometimes tactical voting in voting for Rachel to prevent Mikey from winning. If Dave reaches the final, and I expect he will, if he reaches the final two...I will vote for whoever is up against him to win and take a little bit of pleasure from it
but I think they will continue in their crusade to bad mouth Sam this week.
Possibly, but I think they don't know that there are no more nominations and that they're ALL up for eviction. Nor do they know that 4 are going, but not 'til Friday and that the voting public have had the opportunity to vote since last Friday night.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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