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Plenty of people in past series Lee........ more so in recent ones when BB have had to defend themselves against the "quick phone OFCOM brigade".  I have not said he didn't raise his voice....and I haven't said he was in the right for doing so either, but it's a fact of life that people get het up when they argue. It's common behaviour in the outside world, whether we agree with it or not. It doesn't always mean the person raising their voice doesn't have a valid point, and it doesn't always make them a bully.
Past series yes,it is common knowledge several HM's were called to the DR I meant THIS series,I know HE was called several times ,were there others?....On another note I agree with Isadora here on other points,I feel she was subjected to verbal abuse,for many years I worked with the survivors of domestic abuse,physical and verbal,and imo HE is verbally abusive....It's not as simplistic as someone  *raising their voice* it goes without saying anyone is capable of that ,he carefully chooses his targets ,and there have been quite a few subjected to his tirades.He CHOOSES who he will or won't argue with ,(indicating he is in full control) .I can't and won't accept THAT is common behaviour ,it occurs,sadly,but it is not acceptable ,it can be defined as abusive,it can be defined as bullying,neither or are acceptable.

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