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I've just watched the video of that despicable little shit going for Sam last night. He's absolutely vicious, so brave with his boxer sidekick following him around everywhere he goes like a pet doberman (with similar brainpower). If ever I've seen a BB HM who needs a damned good kicking it's JJ and if that's how he behaves outside the house we can be highly optimistic that's exactly what the little slimeball's going to get. If you haven't watched the clip I'd advise you to give it a miss, I'm no softie and I found it quite upsetting.

Even Josie looked hugely embarassed to be associated with him in any way last night. The only one who found it all hugely enjoyable was that hateful shit-stirring con artist Dave who loved every minute of it and ran to JJ to tell him tales of what Sam was saying.

We all know the score, we know exactly what to expect tonight. Hundreds of braindead teenage girls shouting 'Get Sam Out' tonight at the eviction. It's the same every week, the little turds oust anyone JJ doesn't like 'cuz he'z fit innit'. I hope they throw teargas into the crowd to shut the little bastards up.

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One of those stupid disclaimer things: I'm not slating anyone's looks or image here, I'm not being shallow, I'm not even giving MY opinion...just the opinions I see amongst the kids I know...Right hopefully that's my arse covered.

My kids and their mates all love Sam (I'm undecided before anyone thinks I'm just saying it ) and haven't been interested in either of the JJs.  I really couldn't imagine any of them fancying JJ1...he looks too dated, too tanned, dresses too much like their Dads do (not Mr L I hasten to add!...I mean the typical Top Man Dad)...he's just so uncool it's not true. 

Sam likes all the bands they like, he has that daft hair thing they all like, the big specs, the plugged ear, the tattoos, the skinny jeans..he's even a graffiti artist FGS.

So I don't understand where this outpouring of teenage lust for JJ has come from...

I'm not including the grown women who like them in this...they like what they like, fair enough...I'm talking teenagers...Who's going to be at an Enter Shikari (or whatever) gig, JJ  or Sam? 

Colour me confuddled
Reference: Leccy
My kids and their mates all love Sam (I'm undecided before anyone thinks I'm just saying it ) and haven't been interested in either of the JJs. I really couldn't imagine any of them fancying JJ1...he looks too dated, too tanned, dresses too much like their Dads do (not Mr L I hasten to add!...I mean the typical Top Man Dad)...he's just so uncool it's not true. Sam likes all the bands they like, he has that daft hair thing they all like, the big specs, the plugged ear, the tattoos, the skinny jeans..he's even a graffiti artist FGS.
You speak the truth, Leccs.
JJ1 looks even more of a sad act, when you think of it that way.
Not really because he's not trying to be a teenager hes trying to be a 24 year old. I grew out of my enter shakari, lusting after anything with a hole the size of a pen in their ear phase when I hit 20.
Of course, that's why I've just said I wasn't including grown women.  I'm talking specifically teenagers, and you've just admitted pre 20 you liked plugged ears etc
Of course, that's why I've just said I wasn't including grown women. I'm talking specifically teenagers, and you've just admitted pre 20 you liked plugged ears etc

I wasn't commenting on what you said Leccy, I agree with what you said...which is why I don't understand the tweenie obsession on the forum. I was commenting on Deman saying thats what makes him look sadder.
I wasn't commenting on what you said Leccy, I agree with what you said...which is why I don't understand the tweenie obsession on the forum. I was commenting on Deman saying thats what makes him look sadder.
Right I've got you.

To be fair I did wonder if it was all teenagers but when you read the comments on Ch4 they do seem to be...there are loads of "OMG HE IZ SOOO FIT" comments which I guess you can only presume do come from younger viewers.  Not that older ones don't lust after Hms but they tend to not post in that way.

Or so I thought!  
I completely agree with the OP. Last night was a blatant attempt by John James, JJ and Dave to deflect attention onto Sam, in a bid to have Sam evicted tonight.
John James has been very successful in picking arguments with nominated HMs so that his fans will evict them.
Please, please, please don't let John James succeed tonight, Sam has got to stay.

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