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John James was actually spot on with his observations about Sam though.  Unpopular as it might be to agree with him.  Sam has suddenly befriended Josie after making her life a misery.  His u turn occured just before nominations.  Sam is fake and pathetic.

Meanwhile John James has been caught out bitching, and has now been highlighted as the series' biggest bitch.  But I think anyone with an ounce of common sense already knew that.

Neither of them should be receiving positive comments.  They are both awful.
JJ blasted Sam for his behaviour in the house, saying: "Where there's a line, he'll always cross it." John James agreed, and related Sam's involvement in his argument with Josie to David and JJ.

"I believe he was using that situation," John James said. "He didn't care about that situation, he didn't care about Josie [being upset]." JJ agreed, exclaiming: "Of course not!

"He was calling her a fat slag a few days ago and now he's her best mate? F**k off."

Meanwhile, Sam and Josie had picked up on the conversation. Sam crouched behind the settee and laughed with Josie as they silently listened in to the discussion, while John James declared: "In a way, I hope he goes [in tomorrow's eviction]."

As Corin walked into the sitting room, the two eavesdroppers told her to be quiet and she joined Josie lying on the floor. Sam laughed as he explained: "They're bitching about me!"

The atmosphere took a sudden turn for the worse when John James asserted: "If Josie had kept [her dislike of Sam] up, if she'd kept her attitude the way it was last week, he would have been out. It's only because she's changed her opinion that he's got a chance."

Sam bolted over the sofa to where Josie lay, saying: "Seriously, are you hearing this? That is too much!" The two burst into hysterics, as Sam repeated: "Can you believe he just f**king said that? That is so f***ing bitchy I don't know what! That is f***ing out of order, innit?"

Corin attempted to persuade Sam to leave the sitting room, but he refused, saying: "They're being really horrible. They're saying that I'm only being nice to Josie to be safe from eviction." Turning to Josie, he said: "This is all because I came into your conversation earlier, isn't it? F***ing knob."

As the trio continued to discuss Sam and the producers' decision to send him into the house, Sam explained to Josie that he had approached her earlier "because [she] looked genuinely upset". Josie reassured Sam that she did not feel the same as John James and JJ, but the 21-year-old appeared hurt by the allegations.

"I tell it how it is. If I don't like you one day then I'll tell you. Like earlier, when I had that argument with JJ. That's going to be shown before my eviction, if I was bothered about that why would I be having arguments with people?" he argued.

Continuing, he said: "They're just being f***ing knobs. John James is just so bitter about things." He then quietly added: "It's actually really upsetting. I thought he was one of my friends.

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