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haha... I have to drive through Oxshott into Cobham ferrying daughter to & from school... I like to drool at the many gated communities... and seriously lovely houses!
I know there are some real beauts there! One of my bridesmaids lives right near the woodlands Park Hotel and it's a house which makes me go weak at the knees! Bitch!
to be fair... its an important distinction
True lol - Danbury - know it?
Yeah true but only since we moved away husband (originally from the North) used to fry the best fish and chips in Carshalton, Catford, Harrow and then Burnt Oak before returning North..........we left them wanting more!
when I first moved to this village (about 7 years ago) I was so excited cos a mobile chip van came round every tuesday.... run by northerners...   it was fab!

No funny looks when I asked for scraps...  they had a whole serving area of specially made scraps...  and mushy peas were mushy....   

however.... I always did think it looked a bit like it had the potential to turn into a mobile inferno...  and a couple of years ago they stopped coming round!   Village gossip said that it had been deemed a death trap and they weren't allowed to drive it, or cook in it ever again
Did I read you're gonna be in Surrey? If it's West of the M25 you're gonna need some serious shekels. If it's Saaaf side like Croydon then you could probably flatshare with someone with a skinned back ponytail and massive hoop earrings and a habit (Think Jeremy Kyle, dear)

Anything with a London postcode is gonna be costly cos that's what you're paying for, no matter if your pad gets robbed every week or you need to wear a bullet proof vest to go down the post office, it'll still cost ya. I know someone who was renting out their 23rd floor flat in Surrey Lane in Battersea for ÂĢ600 a month I shit you not. The place is a dump

There are some alright places to live though, depends on your cashflow. Getting around in London by car is ok if you know the back roads and live within the congestion charge. Surrey is quieter (depending which part)
Reference: Sponneeyyyyy
bloody hell jean you think its cheap?!!!!..i love looking in the local paper at the houses for sale in canford cliffs or on the sandbanks peninsula....i'm thinking of whacking in an offer for a house selling at 7.5 million..i'm gonna offer 20 quid down and a pound a week

You'll get it easy for that Spongey. Just wait until the tax man has a fire sale of Arry's assets they've seized
Reference: Spoonnnggeeeyy
am i right in thinking you're an ex herbie carter yoof?
Well remembered! Bottle green uniform and all. We only lived in Dorset for 3 and a half years when I was a teenager but have lots of rellies there still - all around Parkstone, Bournemouth, Poole etc.

The 3 schools around then were Herbert Carter, Henry Harbin and Lychett Manor. Oh and the grammer school - but we weren't allowed to mix with them pmsl
The thing is with the industry im working in (Sports Turf, Botanical Gardens and Maintaining Private Estates). If you go to these upper class areas the higher the pay... I have seen the jobs available up north and south. Theres quite a huge difference in pay, up north its lower where there are smaller gardens... down south in the upper class "Im a manyoo fan and I drive up to old trafford every week in my bentley" area the pay can be quite big. I also have other options, I do plan to do a degree and go onto do a masters at some point... I know there is also more jobs available abroad. I would like to go into working with sports turf... its what im best at really. I know my stuff when it comes to maintaining a football/Rugby/Cricket pitch... the chances of making it big in that is very little. I still got plenty of time to think about what I choose to do.
Come to southampton, we have a lovely cricket ground

I love living down south. We have really nice scenery and amazing places like lulworth cove. Nice beaches, slightly better weather, close enough to visit London if you want to for the day or a night out, lots of pubs by the sea and boat watching. Its a nice lifestyle all in all. Id recommend it.
I don't have a lot to add either. Many years ago when we all left school and scattered to various colleges in different parts of the country I preferred to visit my London based friends. One couldn't be bored in London. Lots of bands and a thriving social scene. However that was from my point of view as an occasional visitor. My pals seemed  to end up with London Fatigue. Whatever happens I hope it all turns out well for you Mr Pie.
Now let me pick your brains.... As an expert on groundsmanship, can you tell me where the grass comes from nowadays? Ten years ago I regularly cycled through the flatlands in Callenburg and an area approx 5 miles by 2 miles constituted a grass farm. We used to pass by huge areas of perfect lawn, and legend (or maybe myth) had it that these were used at Wimbledon and a host of European Football clubs. A few years back we arrived  and found the buildings  derelict and the fields overgrown. I just wondered where it all comes  from now.
Garage Joe
I expect at Wimbledon the grass would be grown from seed... same for most tennis courts, with football pitches ideally clubs would probably rather use seed. But with little time they usually just lay turf, you can see at Wembley how often they re-lay the whole pitch. The soil structure is also pretty important, on a tennis court I expect its a heavy loam type. I remember just last month a club was constructing a football pitch, they just got a seed spreader and went along. If you go to these bigger football, cricket and tennis clubs they will plough money into keeping the grass perfect.  My friend who I may move down to next year just got a new irrigation system which cost a huge amount of money, so there is all sorts to consider... growing from either turf or seed, weather conditions, soil conditions, drainage... perhaps in the south where grass suffers from drought. I not worked on a tennis court but I can't see it being much different to a cricket square... we used seed on a wicket only as we can then keep it level and then go over with a roller to compact it.
And you work near the Krispy Kreme shop you lucky caaaaaah I was asked to go back to Shatfesbury Avenue today for work - a brilliant opportunity has come up - but I cant do it. I could have got a taxi to the friggin Krispy Kreme shop in my fag break
My boss lives near the factory in Surrey where they make them (they send em out to Tesco and some of the shops), he occasionally brings in a box *dribble*
word to the wise meaty, don't live too far away from work, you'll spend 5 hours a day trying to get there.
Cheers jackson, Im hoping to get as close as I can... I enjoy the work, but when I get up in the morning its the long drive that drives me mad It currently takes me an hour from where I am at this moment. Sometimes longer with traffic aswell.

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