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Highlights from Day 62 Spoilers For Tonight

Day 62
11.09 am
This morning housemates are gathered at the sofa and Big Brother announces that this week’s nominations have been cancelled. Big Brother informs the Housemates that nominations have been replaced with ‘Nasty Nominations’.

John James, smiling, gets the envelope as instructed, from the hatch and JJ remarks: “I have never seen him so f****** happy”. Housemates are informed that they will be nominating face to face by pouring buckets of nasty stuff over each other. However, they don’t need to give reasons. John James laughs at this prospect. Andrew looks serious and says he “doesn’t want to do this”. Josie offers everyone tea saying: “I’m not doing this for nominations”. John James adds: “This is so wicked, I’m gonna get drenched and I don’t even care!”

11.52 am
In the Living Room, Housemates are sat ready for ‘Nasty Nominations’ in their white overalls. Dave sits with Andrew and comforts him about nominating saying: “come on dude, we all got to do it”. Dave breaks the Rules as he tells Andrew to nominate him.

Jo goes to the Diary Room to talk to Big Brother. She says: “I wanna go home, I’m not enjoying the experience”. She cries and says “I don’t like how I’m coming across now…I’m turning into something I don’t want to be.” Big Brother tells her she shouldn’t worry about how she is perceived in the outside world.

Jo decides she is going to stay and says she will do the Nominations task.

All of the housemates are in the Garden ready to take part in Nasty Nominations.
Big Brother has provided buckets containing: custard, gunge, mud, baked beans and spaghetti mix and Big Brother’s Special Sauce.
As punishment for discussing nominations, Dave, John James and Josie cannot nominate Sam.

Housemates are lined up in the Garden with buckets of gunge behind them. They take it in turns to pour 2 buckets of gunge- one over each Housemate they wish to nominate. On Corin’s turn, she stands by the buckets, upset about which Housemates to choose saying: “I feel like the biggest t*** doing it”

Andrew nominates: Sam and Steve saying “I’m really sorry” to Steve

Corin nominates: Sam and Jo

Dave nominates: Mario and Jo

JJ nominates: Steve and Mario

Jo nominates: Corin and Dave

John James nominates: Corin and Mario

Josie nominates: JJ and Andrew

Mario nominates: Dave and JJ

Sam nominates: Dave and Jo

Steve nominates: JJ and Mario

Mario gets 4 nominations and Dave, JJ and Jo get 3 nominations. Josie and John James don’t receive any nominations and no buckets.

At the end of Nasty Nominations, Sam says to Dave: “Oh, by the way Dave, I only done it cos it’d be enjoyable”

John James remarks “who’d have thought I’d end up clean!?”

Dave says he hasn’t been up for 6 weeks and today he’s got 3 nominations. Josie responds that: “we all had to do it”.

John James asks JJ how many nominations JJ got. JJ replies “3″. Josie says sorry for nominating JJ. “I did not realise JJ would pick up another two.”

Dave says about nominations that: “I done exactly what I’d have done in the Diary Room”. Josie replies that she “didn’t”. John James says to Josie it’s not her fault that JJ is up.

Jo and Corin talk in the Garden. Jo says when she nominates she looks at who she gets on with. Corin says she has a connection with everyone in the House so it was hard for her to choose. Jo says to Corin: “it’s your choice babe” but admits that “it makes me see you a bit different”.

In the garden John James asks Dave who’d he save and replace and Dave says either Steve or “Pepper”. JJ says “its f****** hard, man”. John James agrees that “nominations are getting s*****r”.

Big Brother calls Dave to the Diary Room. Dave is reprimanded for rule breaking by “attempting to influence other Housemates’ nominations” as he told Andrew earlier that he could nominate him. Dave responds to Big Brother: “I was just trying to help him out”. He is told he will no longer take part in the Save and Replace task and therefore will automatically face the public vote.

Dave returns to the Garden and says to the others: “that’s me out of the task”. He explains it is because he told Andrew that he could nominate him. Andrew responds: “Dave, I’m so sorry”. Josie remarks: “I think they want you out, Dave!”

All the housemates are in the bedroom awaiting the Save and Replace task.
Sam and Jo are on the bed and Sam smiling says: “me and cougar are having some fun time”.

Jo asks Sam about Save and Replace task saying “are you worried Sam? You should be”. Sam says he isn’t worried. He then goes on to insult Mario then JJ because they have ear defenders and cannot hear him. JJ says to Sam he heard Sam call him a “p****”. JJ says: “I thought I was getting a nomination off you, Sam” and Sam replies: “No, I wouldn’t nominate you”.

The three nominated housemates JJ, Jo and Mario take it in turns in the Diary Room to complete Animal Quackers. They must repeat the animal noises back to Big Brother in the order that Big Brother plays them to each Housemate. The other Housemates watch on the plasma and laugh as they see the nominated Housemates barking and squealing.

Mario is the final Housemate to have his go and the Housemates say he may as well stop now as he has done the best. JJ says: “he could go on all night”. Sam refers to Mario as an “absolute nutter.”

Big Brother delivers the results to the Housemates. JJ repeated 6 animal noises, Jo managed 11 and Mario repeated 22 animal noises.
Mario then chooses Sam to replace himself with and sticks Sam’s face on the ‘Nominated’ board. Sam remarks: “that’s deep”. The other Housemates sit in silence. Corin then says to Sam “just ‘cos you’re up there, doesn’t mean you’re gonna go”. Sam says: “I just wanted one more week”.

In the garden Dave says to Andrew “Josie’s plan back-fired”. Corin shouts to Dave that “we should all just enjoy the time we’ve got left” adding: “we all f****** done it- let’s get on with it!!”

John James and Mario chat in the Bathroom. Mario tells John James: “I really didn’t want to put Sam up”. Mario asks John James who he would have picked and John James says “Corin”.

Sam enters and asks Mario why Mario picked him. Mario says he has been closer to the other Housemates. Sam tells Mario that Mario said before that he wouldn’t put “newbies” up. Sam then says: “you did what you had to do”.

7.19 pm
Sam is in the diary room talking to Big Brother. He says “staying in the House for 2 weeks is pretty rubbish”. Sam adds that he was shocked when Mario put him up for eviction as they got on well.

In the Living Room, John James tells Josie she could have spoken about it before she nominated JJ. Josie responds: “I wish I could replay the day”. Josie tells John James that she wouldn’t have put him up, not even for one hundred grand. John James says to Josie that as she nominated JJ: “Nothing you do or say will take the guilt away”. John James says the fact he himself received no buckets on his head shows that “everyone in here is tactical”.

Josie, talking about Nominations says: “I went for friends – what a f****** stupid b****”.

In the Nest, Jo talks to JJ and John James about Corin saying: “I do feel really differently towards her now”. She explains Corin was a supporter when she had had down days. She adds: “I’m very much a girl’s girl – especially with the limited amount of girls”. Jo says how she has given Corin and the other girls all her stuff to use and says “I don’t expect anything back but Loyalty”. John James agrees with Jo saying that he “didn’t see it coming either”.

Dave goes to the Diary Room. Dave says to Big Brother: “You don’t want me in here do you? You’re horrible to me”. He adds that he said to Andrew he could nominate him out of the kindness of his heart, “something which you wouldn’t understand! There are people in here flouting the rules all the time and you don’t punish them the same as me.”

Big Brother reiterates to Dave that he broke the rules.

Next Big Brother calls Sam into the Diary room. He is told that he broke the rules when he said to JJ that he would never nominate him. He is told that he is not permitted to nominate next week.

Sam comes out of the Diary Room and says to Dave that Dave is “not the only one being picked on” as he too has been punished and isn’t allowed to nominate next week. Dave responds: “They don’t like me”. Sam tells Dave that he’s “making up s***” and adds “I think you need to just not feel so sorry for yourself.”

In the Bathroom, Dave is still saying that Big Brother doesn’t like him.

Also in the Bathroom, John James talks to JJ about Josie nominating him. He says to JJ: “Everyone needed to take nominations seriously as someone could potentially be sent home”. John James says that Josie “isn’t a smart cookie” and has made a mistake, but didn’t do it on purpose. JJ says he “wasn’t fussed” about it
John James remarks about Josie that:”she has made a horrible mistake

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hmm no mention of JJ1 saying on live feed he would nominate Corin every week because he hates her, sometimes the spoiler doesn't give it all, but as he's not been punished it looks like he's got away with it again. 

Thanks ErinP
Nothing reported on this HL show after midnight

They do when they want too Erin, it also says nothing about JJ saying he'e broke the rules every week predicting the noms, I'm hoping they are saving it for a nasty surprise, although I'd probably be mores surprised if they did 
Big Brother's creative director says that the show has taken a "different approach" this year with punishments playing less of a part.

Speaking on the DS Forums, Phil Edgar Jones also emphasised that the programme makers didn't have agendas and maintained that the show was performing well.

"The fact is we decided to adopt a different approach to the show this year on many levels," explained Jones. "We also made a conscious decision not to waste time on punishments and instead concentrate on other things.

"We don't have favourites among the housemates - it genuinely does not matter to me who wins. The highlights show is edited and there's nothing we can do about that."

While dismissing the idea that the highlights were edited with an agenda in mind, Jones did concede that the aim was to create a "decent soap opera".

He continued: "The show is actually performing really well and many people in lots of other places are saying they are enjoying it."

It was announced recently that Jones would be leaving Endemol after the completion of Big Brother 11
PEJ Statement says it all .we will do what we want ,when we want . Soap Opera!!

The bliddy cheek of him, just because he's got the sack, (which, lets face it is what it is) he feels he can do what he wants
No favourites? what was that with Nikki and Charley then? In Nikki's case they had already lined up a tv show for her before the start of the series and so had a vested interest in keeping her in as long as possible!

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