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I've done so much work on domestic violence/abuse/control (and still doing work on it) - so easy to spot the signs. There are those who are victims and those who like to play the victim. JJ1 is indeed the latter when it comes to emotional manipulation.
I have a feeling that a major reason for him keeping her hopeful for some kind of relationship on the outside is his way of neutering her. Unless Josie's a really good actress, she's doing a very good impression of someone whose self-confidence is eroding before our very eyes. JJ1 has zapped the life out of the poor cow.
I have a feeling that a major reason for him keeping her hopeful for some kind of relationship on the outside is his way of neutering her. Unless Josie's a really good actress, she's doing a very good impression of someone whose self-confidence is eroding before our very eyes. JJ1 has zapped the life out of the poor cow.
I see what you mean, I also think he has become far more dependent on her than she has on him. But to go on BB in the first place you surely have to have a certain level of self-confidence and be able to take a few knocks? These people (including Josie) know the show inside out and upside down, they know what the public and media are like, they know the scrutiny they will be put under, every negative including physical will be magnified and dissected. I just can't get past thinking that Josie is not in control of some aspects of the situation with him, or like I said, prefers to deny what doesn't please her.
I'm reliably informed that only the best is supplied at her parties:

Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck

These hundred year old bottles of Champagne from the Heidsieck vineyard in Champagne took over eighty years to reach their destination. Shipped to the Russian Imperial family in 1916, a shipwreck off the coast of Finland caused this champagne to be lost at sea until divers discovered over 200 bottles in 1997. Now they’re finally being sold—to wealthy guests at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow, at least. Of course, the wine’s extraordinary tale and incredible age are what makes it the world’s most expensive champagne.....and worthy of a BB Celebration!......I'm just not sure what to wear!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
.but blokes like john james have a way of manipulating people to their way of thinking..look how in one of their first rows he told her 'you made me do it'....he likes to control everything......and words things in a way that makes the other person feel bad and they end up apologising......
Absolutely spot on and the really clever part is that friends and family don't see it. Often these men ( or women) are absolutely charming and salt of the earth to those outside the immediate family and always garner sympathy.
Generally the tears and the "I can't live without you" thing works really well. The apologising for HIS mistakes is a good one as well. The fact that you will do anything to keep him from losing it and blaming you... all of this stuff is hard.
JJ has got a lot of people fooled - both here and on the outside.

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