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...he's got John James to do that for him.

When Josie and John James were sat in the bathroom, he was saying to Josie he has mates just like Sam and he can completely understand his "banter".  I'm thinking, mate, Sam is being a right nasty little git about someone you claim to love and you're just laughing it off like it's one big joke.

If I could put my hands inside the TV I would wring Crab Boy's scrawny neck !!

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For example his high and mighty stance on team spirit went right out of the window these past few days, making a complete mockery of his endless boring rants at Ben about lack of effort in tasks, and nominating Ben for lack of effort in tasks.
I really don't think he has the self awarness to ever understand that. I can just see Davina confronting him with some of his carp and he will find an excuse for it.
cologne 1

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