Skip to main content won't be much of an achievement to himself for being a likeable person will it....we all know that the majority of people who cheer him and want him to win are going based on looks alone....if he wan't good looking, there's NO WAY he'd have the following he has now....such a shame that people are so shallow..........and that he'll more than likely be in until the end.

I know it's a game show but I really wouldn't want to see that prick rewarded for his behaviour by winning, just because he's easy on the eye. He'd last 2 minutes down my local before he got his with Dave.....

I also feel that the Original HMs feel that they have more right to make it to the final than the newbies, whether they have earned it or not.....saying that, I don't think JJ2 has done ANYTHING to warrant staying in, but he will because I'm sure he has a 'tweenie' following as well.

Another thing that always amazes me is how folks will turn against a HM if their favourite HM doesn't get on with them....lots of Josie fans will loathe Sam , just because he doesn't get on with Josie and not because they dislike him off their own back....pathetic really....

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Hi DD I think it is the same every year none of my favourites have ever won BB even if I think they have deserved to win I think it is only natural if one of the HMS are dissing your favourite we dont like it ,when it is over in a couple of weeks I wont give any of them another thought I will move on to the All Stars BB I am really looking forward to this one as this years BB has been a big disappointment.
Marge Kimota

The evictions have been very unpredictable this year haven't they....all over here and DS support for JJ is dropping. So who the hell is keeping him in..?

He could go on to win this, make some money, then feck off straight back to Australia without a 2nd thought for the people who voted for him week after week and an even bigger ego, if that's possible......he's a twat and I don't want to see him rewarded for that
The Devil In Diamante
Last edited by The Devil In Diamante
I dont think JJ will win unless he bucks up his ideas's but if he does it could be to little to late,I liked him but lately he has really got on my nerves if the public make him the winner it wont be the end of my world, I dont care enough anymore but I would like to see Josie win or Corin I do think it will be between these two..
He could go on to win this, make some money, then feck off straight back to Australia without a 2nd thought for the people who voted for him week after week and an even bigger ego, if that's possible......he's a twat and I don't want to see him rewarded for that
Australia will be welcoming him back with open arms,or will they?....The same Australia and Australians he said he hates .

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