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Did the producers look for housemates who would be prepared to stay awake at night.
Yes, viewers like to see some people awake when they get the live programmes at night.
But one of the problems is that the conversation, activity, events, behaviour is so
immature, childish, infantile and uninteresting - and loud.
And the nearer the winning post they get, the more anxious and intense they get, - and as a result the more immature, childish, infantile and uninteresting - and loud - they become.

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Man, are you grumpy tonight brisket! 

Has someone twiddled their hair once too much or dropped a T too often for you?!  

Anyhoo... I'm finding it particularly funny that JJ1's objection to his task, which he abandoned after 15 minutes, was that he couldn't stay up all night! Funny how easy he finds it right now horizontal with Josie! 
brisket, maybe it's just me but I don't see why people who are wide awake and  don't feel sleepy can't just leave the bedroom and leave people to sleep who need it. I don't get it. Is it all part of looking for airtime?

I stay up late as you can see but if I was in that house I wouldn't be in the BR keeping other people awake but most of them at different times and to varying degrees do exactly that. I don't get it. If you're not tired leave the f*cking bedroom.
I think is largely allowed for expediency.

By not making it an issue they allow the relationships to be strained by lack of sleep and cause the necessary arguments over it.

Also, the night shift can be covered by one editor and maybe one man in the camera run. The feeds are covered largely by remote cameras which require less monitoring and therefore editing by one or two people. If they were in more rooms that would mean too many screens for the editor to cover. IMO.

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