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I'm with you on that SR! He's brightened up BB for me a treat!  

He's gone in with his own agenda... that doesn't involve winning the show! That is exactly what the show should be about, so he is the viewers HM for me. He's doing exactly what we all shout and argue about on the forums for us!

And Leccy! You are so wrong in thinking you were alone loving Citizen Science, because he is my all time favorite HM! And I guess I see many similarities with him in Sam. I just wish I'd been forumming in that year though!  

He's independent, quirky and funny. And reallllly annoying with it!
Add me to the list of Science fans, he used to make me laugh on a regular basis with his one liners, annoying as hell to be around I imagine, but he certainly had got the measure of some of those house mates that year!  Would love to see him return for the All Stars at the end of this series, hopefully that will make me watch a bit more as it has been by and large a total washout for me this series, and I was looking forward to it so much.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Reference: Super
No offence to Ben fans on here, (Ben was possibly my favourite early hm warts and all) sooo WHY oh WHY would the big Ben fans, (who were largely Freddie fans,) all suddenly love Sam? He is the absolute antithesis of all they like and respect, I'll take an educated guess that if he'd been there at the start with his put downs, insults and acerbity they would have seriously disapproved of his behaviour and now they're backing him.......... I tells ye he's a cleva bugga
I'm a Ben fan (and previously a Freddie fan), and I do like Sam Pepper. It could be something to do with supporting the underdog, and being very against what I perceive to be gang mentality.
Then again, it could be that I love the way Sam is prepared to say all the things we have been saying on here - and he does it to people's faces. He has come out with some brilliant one-liners.
I don't think his insults are (usually) said with malice. I look at the intention behind Sam's words, not just what he actually says, and I don't see him as vicious or truly malicious. He is a total WUM, though. I much prefer a WUM like Sam to someone like Dave who can say "I love you, man" and then stab you in the back.
Sam and Josie had obviously clashed prior to entering the house, and that has continued on. I don't actually think Sam dislikes Josie half as much as Josie dislikes Sam.
He is playing a good game and he has stirred up a house that was becoming boring to the point of stagnation.

ben/freddie fan here too. agree with all yogi has said. they all thought they were sitting pretty, could stay under the duvet get them to final. ive always supported people who are the underdogs.
they are getting ataste of their own medicine and dont like it. to me some of them have bullied there way to the postion they are in today (especially the horrible monk man) i dont like what sam has said to josie about her weight, im a size 12/14 and it got me worried that i look that size.

they wont give sam a chance they just pounce on him as soon as he opens his mouth so he going to say the things he says to get attention.  people out here must like him to hes 4/5th fav to win. As yogi says sam says all the things we have been saying on this forum for weeks, hes woke them all up and made them realise they int won it yet.

Reference: Justafriend
they all thought they had it all sussed , in comes sam and turns it all upside down for them. they could all see the home straight and thought they were safe. the monk gets nastier by the day towards sam, jj likes him but int got a clue how to handle him, and josies not happy about that. the others wonder whats hit them and sit opened mouthed cos thye have no answers for him. he will probably be a hate figure by some on the outside to, but hes woke them up and got jj and josie out of bed. lol
No offence to Ben fans on here, (Ben was possibly my favourite early hm warts and all) sooo WHY oh WHY would the big Ben fans, (who were largely Freddie fans,) all suddenly love Sam? He is the absolute antithesis of all they like and respect,
As a Ben fan John James is the antithesis of all I like and respect, with Josie not far behind. Oh yeah and Dave jostling for position, elbows flying, get out my way.
Last edited by squiggle
Yogi19 (Ben#3/Mario#6/Corin#48) offline 10,551 Forum Posts Today at 7:52 AM Last Edited: Reference: Super No offence to Ben fans on here, (Ben was possibly my favourite early hm warts and all) sooo WHY oh WHY would the big Ben fans, (who were largely Freddie fans,) all suddenly love Sam? He is the absolute antithesis of all they like and respect, I'll take an educated guess that if he'd been there at the start with his put downs, insults and acerbity they would have seriously disapproved of his behaviour and now they're backing him.......... I tells ye he's a cleva bugga I'm a Ben fan (and previously a Freddie fan), and I do like Sam Pepper. It could be something to do with supporting the underdog, and being very against what I perceive to be gang mentality. Then again, it could be that I love the way Sam is prepared to say all the things we have been saying on here - and he does it to people's faces. He has come out with some brilliant one-liners. I don't think his insults are (usually) said with malice. I look at the intention behind Sam's words, not just what he actually says, and I don't see him as vicious or truly malicious. He is a total WUM, though. I much prefer a WUM like Sam to someone like Dave who can say "I love you, man" and then stab you in the back. Sam and Josie had obviously clashed prior to entering the house, and that has continued on. I don't actually think Sam dislikes Josie half as much as Josie dislikes Sam. He is playing a good game and he has stirred up a house that was becoming boring to the point of stagnation.
Adore the guy for what he has brought to the house. He has single handedly destroyed the comfort zones of housemates who were getting too comfortable. Sam comes out with the same types of insults that John-James has been spewing since day one. The only difference is, John-James targeted weak housemates (and mainly women), whereas Sam goes after the big fish who deserve a little comeuppance.
Couldn't agree more
I adored Science!  One of the very first threads I ever started on the old Channel 4 forum was an SOS (Save Our Science) thread when he was up against Maxwell.

Sam knows the buttons to push, and with Josie it's her weight.  If she didn't get wound up, he wouldn't do it.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sam was Kris is Bliss from last year!

Joise gives as good as she gets, both to his face and behind his back.  Sam isn't bothered by anything she says, which makes her get even more wound up.
Sam knows the buttons to push, and with Josie it's her weight.  If she didn't get wound up, he wouldn't do it.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sam was Kris is Bliss from last year!
TBF it's  not just  her weight,for whatever reason he felt she wasn't being real with the JJ thing....Him and Josie do so obviously have a history from .lock down,did he see the *real* Josie there,someone very different to what he saw in the house....We've heard repeatedly what she's had to say he did during lock down, is his opinion of her based on what she did/said ?
Reference: Justa
As yogi says sam says all the things we have been saying on this forum for weeks, hes woke them all up and made them realise they int won it yet.
Justa, I really think that's why he is so, so popular, 'cos he's behaving like a fm rather than a hm. I'd love to know which forum(s) he was part of, I wanted him to be a member here
Justa, I really think that's why he is so, so popular, 'cos he's behaving like a fm rather than a hm.
  I think you've hit the nail on the head there  JAF & Super.... at least as far as I'm concerned All the annoyance and frustration I felt with some of the HM's and the show in general, has evaporated since Sam went in

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