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Hypocritical Dave.
His constant digs at "Mole"  (I wish he would call him Mario) are not only wearing a bit thin now, but they also tell us much more about Dave himself than they do about Mario.
He tries to wrap it all up in the form of banter, but it doesn't fool me. Not a jot!
Dave is bitter. Mainly because his own plan to target Mario backfired right in his face (hence his degree of anger.) He is also 2-faced multi-faced and has double standards.

Has the mock monk realised, I wonder, that his immature reaction may only serve to confirm to Mario that he did the right thing in putting Dave up for eviction. It may also inform other housemates - and viewers - that the sinister minister doesn't readily do forgiveness.
I loathe Dave intensely.
Last edited by brisket
Hm's and viewers have a go at John James when he speaks his mind but when Dave speaks his mind he always covers it up by laughing as if he doesn't really mean it, that's what really annoys me about him. Can't remember another hm who's ever gone on so much when their up for eviction, from Tuesday till Friday he goes on about it with the same old same old stuff all the time.
Yellow Rose
Can't remember another hm who's ever gone on so much when their up for eviction, from Tuesday till Friday he goes on about it with the same old same old stuff all the time.
At least Rachel has took it on the chin...Dave is an absolute disgrace to his faith/ church, what a two faced full on donk he is!!!!

As for all that pretend 'stumbling' last night when he was 'drunk on the Lawd'...he needs some serious help. Does he think he's fooling anybody...he'll be claiming he's the Messiah next.....what a freak and a fraud...
The Devil In Diamante
Hey LL As of 2.30am this morning he was...

He was "styling it out" in the bedroom as if it were banter, but he was really getting his sly digs in, and also ensuring the others Nom Mario next week...The total hypocrasy for me is that he kept repeating in the bedroom, that Mario was "Some friend"...And all I kept saying...BUT YOU FECKIN NOMINATED YOUR "MATE MARIO!!"..As with religion and his religous views, Monk Dave is not only taking the piss, but he seems to be taking the piss out of BB and us the viewers...LL I wouldn't like to meet this Dude(Or JJ1)in person...I'd end up doing time....I hate the way Team Smug; JJ1,Josie,JJ2, Monk Dave, think that they "Run tings" in the house and no one is supposed to put them up. Monk Dave is a bullying Bastard. i felt sorry for Mario, and Corin looked well pissed off, she wasn't laughing.

Time for BB to show this week's noms on the Plasma screen...
Senora Reyes
Really, it doesn't matter who nommed who, the name of the game is self preservation and both Mario and Dave are trying to do that to the best of their ability.
In fairness, anyone who nominates one HM in the DR and then chooses someone else in the SAR is only trying a bit of damage limitation and playing the game.
I want Dave out of that house as soon as, the desperate Mario can go too for all I care, but ALL the HMs are two faced when it comes to nominations, they have to be.

This bloke has got away with this all his life, he believes he is untouchable.
His loud, obnoxious bullying ways have made him believe he is a leader (bully).
If there is one good thing to come outta BB this year its that this man will be known to a few more and they can be pre-armed against his sinister minister ways (bullshit).

The twat thinks he's the muts nuts FFS!

I wonder if BB have considered playing the noms, but are worried at the reaction of John James......maybe it would tip him over the edge and cause more trouble than they're willing to provoke.

......or perhaps they think Dave will throw his Bible out of the pulpit in a big way?! Who knows. I just wish they'd stir it up and show up the hypocrites.
As for all that pretend 'stumbling' last night when he was 'drunk on the Lawd'...he needs some serious help. Does he think he's fooling anybody...he'll be claiming he's the Messiah next.....what a freak and a fraud...
I wish Dave was a quiet drunk who just falls asleep, also Dave has likened himself to Jesus when he stated that Mario was like Judas betraying Jesus, He also said that Judas was only forgiven when he hung himself.

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